Vote for TV Guide's next cover

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Vote for TV Guide's next cover

Postby Thoul » Thu Oct 28, '10, 4:05 am

I'm not sure how many of you have ever read it, but TV Guide used to be a fixture in many American homes every week. Back before we had the internet, this magazine was a vital part of the TV entertainment experience. It was our window into the coming week's TV experience.

Now, for the first time in it's 57 years, TV Guide is letting readers pick the show featured on the cover. The candidates are Bones, Castle, Chuck, How I Met Your Mother, Smallville, and Supernatural. Go here to vote:

It ends November 1st.
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Re: Vote for TV Guide's next cover

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Oct 28, '10, 8:42 am

Interesting move by TV Guide. I'm surprised they don't have a more selective choice of programs though, including some older classic programs.

Those mentioned are awesome and I'll probably go vote but right now I can't decide on which one to vote for. Several of those mentioned are favorite shows of mine.

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Re: Vote for TV Guide's next cover

Postby Thoul » Thu Oct 28, '10, 7:58 pm

Oh, I forgot to mention this. After you vote, it says you can vote as often as you want. So you could vote for all of your favorite shows.

I was also surprised at the lack of older shows, but I guess they wanted to go for something new and more relevant to the younger market. They've had tons of I Love Lucy covers or whatever, so maybe focusing on the current shows allows the cover to be something new that hasn't been circulated around the internet already.
Last edited by Thoul on Thu Oct 28, '10, 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vote for TV Guide's next cover

Postby Jack Lias » Sun Nov 7, '10, 2:41 pm

I would have liked to see Sanctuary or Stargate Universe on that list.
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