Coffee - yes or no ?

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Coffee - yes or no ?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Sep 4, '08, 9:35 pm

Are you a coffee drinker, or not?

If so, what is your favorite brand or type of coffee?

And, how many cups of coffee do you drink during a day?

Are you one of those people that just have to have that morning cup of coffee to get started with your day? :wink:

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Postby Thoul » Thu Sep 4, '08, 11:50 pm

No, I get enough caffeine from other drinks.
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Postby newsblade » Fri Sep 5, '08, 12:01 am

No, it's a waste of money in such tiny cup.
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Postby Lemina » Fri Sep 5, '08, 12:31 am

Thoul wrote:No, I get enough caffeine from other drinks.


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Postby Rune_Walsh » Fri Sep 5, '08, 2:54 am

I am a caffeine addict, no joke. I have to drink coffee in the mornings -- every morning -- or I'll get a headache.

I loathe Starbucks. Portland (my hometown) has some really, really good coffee, such as Stump Town. Seattle's Best is okay (ironically, it is owned by Starbucks, but is definitely better and smoother).

But, thoughout the day, I also enjoy tea, and a diet cola here and there to feed teh addiction. :D
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Postby luke » Tue Sep 9, '08, 2:38 pm

i usually have a cup in the morning or a cup at some point during the day. i don't have a favourite brand, i just prefer dark coffee and for it to be fair-trade or such. if i don't make it at home, i get it from my local coffee shop. my record is something like 35 cups over 3 days, in which i did not sleep.

part 2: how do you drink your coffee?
i drink mine black. if it's good enough for dale cooper, it's good enough for me.
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Postby Celeith » Tue Sep 9, '08, 6:39 pm

I don't drink it but I sure as hell could use some right now. Its only 12:38 and I'm already falling asleep here at work. I might have to run down to the subway and get me something with some caffeine in it
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Postby Lucas » Wed Sep 10, '08, 12:40 am

I drink coffee here and there mostly I drink tea though.

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Sep 10, '08, 7:37 pm

Interesting responses everyone!

As for myself, I don't drink coffee presently. Just don't need it. I used to drink it, but sparing, only a cup or two a day. I always took my coffee with milk or cream added to it, and a tsp. of sugar too mostly. I don't like it black.

One coffee that I liked was the General Foods International Coffees, especially the French Vanilla. That one I didn't have to add any cream or sugar too. It was perfect just the way it was. Haven't had any of that in a long time either, though.

I get my caffeine from drinking lots of tea. An occasional soft drink now and then, but mostly tea. Lately, I drink a lot of water too - no caffeine, but it's good for you.

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