Ban Kid's Meal Toys

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Ban Kid's Meal Toys

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Aug 14, '10, 6:04 am

Legislation has been proposed in San Francisco that could ban toys in kid's meals unless certain requirements are met: ... 3_ST_N.htm

If this passes in one area, then how long before other areas will try and do something like this also?

I applaud people for trying to make kid's eating more healthy, etc., but sometimes I just wish they would stop messing with forcing places to do certain things like this. I mean, what's the harm in a simple kid's meal with a toy. Kids love 'em and parents don't seem to mind them much either as they are fast and easy and it's what the kids want and will eat. I mean most folks know that when they get a kids meal that it may not be the healthiest food they can get, but it's what they want at the time. Everyone can't eat healthy foods all the time. It would be terrific if that might happen, but that's not being too realistic. Just my :2c: .

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Re: Ban Kid's Meal Toys

Postby Thoul » Sat Aug 14, '10, 4:16 pm

Promoting healthy eating habits at a young age is a good idea, but I can't see this working in the way the lawmakers are intending. If they try to force a store to carry certain menu items to have a kid's meal, the store may be more likely to just drop the kid's meal concept and sell the toys separately. Most of them don't require a specific food purchase now.
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Re: Ban Kid's Meal Toys

Postby Celeith » Sat Aug 14, '10, 11:01 pm

Baka! People are so dumb sometimes when it comes to this stuff.. Its called a treat for a reason. If you think about it.. They should ban things like soda's for people who order anything bigger then a chicken nugget.
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Re: Ban Kid's Meal Toys

Postby Atlinsmere » Sun Aug 15, '10, 10:22 am

Kaloes, don't you see... it's like this. It's alright to order as much food as you want, just so long as you have a large diet pop to wash it down with. Because that makes it A-Okay!

But in all seriousness, I think this is a bad idea. I don't think it will stop people at all or slow them down at making there kids eat kids meals if a toy isn't included. I know a lot of people that go there just to get what they want and order there kids a kids meal, not for the toy, but becaue it's cheap. The toy is just a bonus.

But speaking of kids meal toys, remember when they were actually good? I still have a few kicking around in a random box somewhere. =3
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Re: Ban Kid's Meal Toys

Postby Wolf Bird » Sun Aug 15, '10, 2:09 pm

*sigh.* This won't work. Really, it won't. The only thing that will work is parents doing the responsible thing and being parents towards their kids, thus limiting the intake of fast food.
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Re: Ban Kid's Meal Toys

Postby meteor9 » Sun Aug 15, '10, 3:33 pm

Since 'children under 10' tend to not have that much money, I don't see how this would stop mom and dad from dragging them to McD's for congealed meat slabs whether or not they get a toy out of it. Yeah, it works with real toys you see on TV, but nobody is bringing their kid to McDonald's for the toy. They're going to eat McDonalds; toy or no toy.

Granted, this is California, where apparently you can just put minority rights to a majority vote, so this sort of baseless legislature is to be expected.
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Re: Ban Kid's Meal Toys

Postby Tanith » Sun Aug 15, '10, 6:10 pm

I hate Nanny Legislation, and this is no exception. It won't change anything.
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Re: Ban Kid's Meal Toys

Postby H-Man » Mon Aug 16, '10, 12:24 pm

"People must change; goodness can't be legislated."
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