Phantasy Star IV: Sunrise Over Motavia, Part 1

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Phantasy Star IV: Sunrise Over Motavia, Part 1

Postby Thoul » Wed Nov 5, '08, 10:00 am

One thing that bugs me about the ending of this game is that we never get to see how the heroes escaped from the battlefield. After the Profound Darkness died, that dimensional rift began to become unstable. Elsydeon protected the heroes, but instead of seeing their escape, we get two transition scenes like this.

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Postby newsblade » Wed Nov 5, '08, 11:07 am

Maybe Elsydeon performed Grantz technique (since Ryuka apparently wasn't enough) like Mieu/Neisword? Maybe they didn't mention because it would be repetitive (PSII and PSIII already done that), but it would be cool if it was that.

There may be other reasons: PSIV team may have wanted to give some suspense because (for some of us) that was how PSII heroes died...

and/or with the continuation of the scenes it shows that PSII heroes may have lived after all, since basically the only difference between PSII ending and PSIV ending (in this perspective) is that PSIV shows the rest of the ending ... if it didn't showed the farewell scene I'm pretty sure we (the same that believe PSII ended tragically) thought they would be dead by now... but they lived, at least in PSIV.
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Postby Thoul » Thu Nov 6, '08, 3:17 am

Those are good points. I think they would have said something if Elsydeon possessed warping powers like Grantz, but maybe they thought it was implied.

This does have a good parallel with the ending of PSII. I hadn't considered that, but it's quite similar. Nice catch! :D
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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Sunrise Over Motavia, Part 1

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Jan 22, '18, 9:08 pm

Bumping up this former Image Of The Day!

Interesting points above everyone.

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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Sunrise Over Motavia, Part 1

Postby myau56 » Fri Jan 26, '18, 12:00 pm

The picture is great, and the points rised above are too ! Elsydeon must have great powers indeed...
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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Sunrise Over Motavia, Part 1

Postby Snorb » Fri Jan 26, '18, 6:15 pm

Gryz: So, how the hell did you guys get out of that space-hole, anyway?
Kyra: Well, I'm not gonna bore you with all the details of our miraculous escape, but it involved Chaz heroically sacrificing his life so that we could get away from the Profound Darkness.
Chaz: What the hell?! I'm right here!
Kyra: No you aren't, you're just an echo resounding through the space-time continuum.
Chaz: I was running right next to you! Rune tripped me!
Rune: No, your foot caught the Psycho Wand while we were running and you faceplanted.
Wren: That is a literal description of the events I have witnessed at Dimension's Edge.
Chaz: You said "We don't have to outrun the Profound Darkness's explosion, we just have to outrun Shorty," you goon!
Rune: I also said "Shoot him!! Shoot Chaz first!!" and "There's four billion people on Motavia, the Light picked you as Her champion because She specifically hates me."
Kyra: You also said a lot of words unworthy of Lutzdom...
Gryz: Ooh, do tell.

Rika: (sipping fruit juice) Umm... Demi? I don't suppose there's room for one more on the Landale?
Demi: What? You actually like Chaz! Why leave him?
Rika: (points at Chaz and Rune; they're in a Megid-vs-Legeon beam-o-war fight)
Raja: All right, but ya gotta help me come up with some new material, Gal With Horns! Gyuna's heard all my jokes a thousand times by now.
Rika: These are ears... ;_;
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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Sunrise Over Motavia, Part 1

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jan 27, '18, 8:26 pm

:clap: Snorb, that is terrific! :up:
Last edited by Silver_Surfer1 on Sat Jan 27, '18, 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Sunrise Over Motavia, Part 1

Postby myau56 » Fri Feb 23, '18, 12:38 pm

SNORB : :rofl: Yes, it's really terrific ! :)
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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Sunrise Over Motavia, Part 1

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jun 28, '23, 3:53 pm


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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Sunrise Over Motavia, Part 1

Postby myau56 » Thu Jun 29, '23, 12:46 pm

What a wonderful picture ! :) :fiery:
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