Phantasy Star TV Series

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Phantasy Star TV Series

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Apr 24, '08, 6:19 pm

If there were a Phantasy Star Tv Series, would you watch it each week?

Which actors would you like to play the different Phantasy Star characters?

And, what time period, or version of Phantasy Star, would you like for the Series to start with?

Do you think a TV series of this type would be a hit with viewers, or would it go bust!

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Postby Atlinsmere » Fri Apr 25, '08, 2:27 am

I would probably try to watch it each week. I think it'd be interesting.

Not sure who'd I like to play the characters though. But I can see PSII being one the series would follow first.

It'd be interesting, I think it would be a hit. Though I'm not 100% sure.
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Postby DrkTr14ce » Sat Apr 26, '08, 6:28 pm

Hmm...actually, I'd consider it. Depending on how it was presented. I'd hope it would be in an anime style of art, but more of a darker tone, like Stand Alone Complex. As for voice acting..hmm..that's a hard one. Japanese actors tend to sound better, but lack emotion; American ones use emotion, but sound more like they're just reading from the bloody script.

But I'd probably still watch it.
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Postby SparkyIII » Sat May 10, '08, 7:32 am

If a series was made, I could get my friends into it for sure. And once the chain of people dies down, it probably sums up most of my school, the school next to us, and at least 5 other high schools and Jr. Highs in the area. But thats only if they would like it. I would not watch it though if it wasn't animated. Stick to the game! XD
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Re: Phantasy Star TV Series

Postby XxEnslavedNekoxX » Sun Jun 21, '09, 4:40 pm

I'd watch it religiously. More religiously than I watched Sailor Moon, and I rarely missed an episode. Heck I taped most of them @_@.

If they did do it I'd praise the lord and kiss the feet of the people who made it...provided it was an anime. I can't see an american cartoon of this that would do the games justice. I wouldn't be able to deal with Live action because it would probably look like Power Rangers when it came to the villians and well...that would just make me cry and sit in a room for the rest of my life.

I've always wanted to see IV, but I think the series would have to start out with either 1 or 2 first.

On another note, I think they would have to put the creator of the games in charge.
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Re: Phantasy Star TV Series

Postby Snorb » Wed Jun 24, '09, 1:41 am

Neko: XD another Sailor Moon fan ^_^

On-Topicness: Would I watch Phantasy Star II, if it were done as a TV series? Hell yes. If it were live-action? Nooooooooo, as much as I love the cheesy missed-by-a-mile fighting. It'd have to be anime, but it's hard to emulate the Eighties retro anime look the cast has in this modern age (the Oughties).

As for the voice acting, well... let me just say Paul McGann would make an awesome Lutz.
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Re: Phantasy Star TV Series

Postby Rune_Walsh » Wed Jun 24, '09, 2:29 am

Oh, man. This is one heck of a great question.

I'd sure as hell watch it! I've been wishing that such a series would be made. I think I'd prefer an anime version more, though, if it was made.
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Re: Phantasy Star TV Series

Postby Tweeg » Wed Jun 24, '09, 5:04 am

Am I the only person here who knows that Gonzo did all of the cut scenes for the upsoming PS Zero?

Kind of begs the question of, "is there an anime series in the works we don't know about?".

And yes, I'd definitely watch it, wouldn't matter to me which PS game it was made to represent.
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Re: Phantasy Star TV Series

Postby Thoul » Wed Jun 24, '09, 5:15 am

I'd certainly watch it - I'd really have to, being a person that runs a Phantasy Star site. :lol:

I'm honestly surprised Sega hasn't tapped the series for an anime run already. Given that the characters already have anime-like designs, it seems like an obvious move to me. *shrug* Just one of those things Sega never capitalized on.
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Re: Phantasy Star TV Series

Postby XxEnslavedNekoxX » Wed Jun 24, '09, 5:46 am

I think Lex Lang would be an excellent voice for Rune. He did Cain in the anime Nightwalker as well as Crim in the anime .hack//sign

I've also been complaining for years that they should make the series. But apparantly the popularity of the games would dictate if they would make a series on the games. But because the recent games weren't that popular, they weren't going to make a game unless that improves. Hopefully, it does with Phantasy Star 0. I know alot of fans would be happy if they finally made one.

Know what might be fun? Picking out the perfect voice acting cast for the anime that we will never see. :D
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