5 years in Iraq

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5 years in Iraq

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Mar 11, '08, 5:12 pm

I heard today, March 10, was the 5th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq by the US and it's allies, etc. I think Pres. Bush was supposed to make a speech somewhere and address it in his speech.

On one hand, it doesn't seem that long (5 years), and on the other, it seems like it has already been a million years. I wish our troops were all home now, but I know they are doing a very important mission there, and fully support them, and our allies. I just wish this thing (war) was over, but I have a feeling that it will never be over until all the terrorists groups are gone completely. :(

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Postby Thoul » Tue Mar 11, '08, 6:11 pm

It does feel like a long time. This is what Bush was warning people about when it started, though. He said we would have troops over there for a long, long time. I think people didn't realize that he really meant that back then or didn't fully understand. Everyone wants to the troops to come home now, especially with the number of deaths since taking Baghdad. Few people realize that the real war started after Baghdad had been taken.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Mar 25, '08, 6:31 pm

And now there is another milestone, I guess you could say, concerning Iraq (and possibly other areas). It seems now there are atleast 4,000 American Soilders who have been killed in the line of duty since this war began. :tombstone: :rose:

That's a sad milestone to reach. And, it isn't over yet as the war is still going on, with more numbers added to the growing total each day. 4,000 is even more than the number of people killed on 9/ll all total.

Sympathy and prayers are with all the families who have lost loved ones everywhere, and my thanks go out to them for their service and their sacrifice for their country. :salute:

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