Lego Games

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Lego Games

Postby Thoul » Sun Feb 24, '08, 10:00 pm

A lot of franchises are getting the Lego game treatment these days. Star Wars got a few games out of it. Later this year, there's a Lego Batman and Lego Indiana Jones game coming out. What other franchises do you think would make for interesting Lego games? Maybe a Lego Phantasy Star or Lego Final Fantasy?
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Re: Lego Games

Postby Reno » Sun Feb 24, '08, 10:33 pm

Thoul wrote:Later this year, there's a Lego Batman and Lego Indiana Jones game coming out.

That, I did not know. My first thought upon reading was, "Rubbish" but when I stopped to consider it, I know I would've said the same for Lego Star Wars before it was released, but I've played it now and have to say it turned out all right.

As for another series getting the treatment... um... no? I really can't see Phantasy Star or Final Fantasy getting an epic lego palette swap anytime soon, nor can I imagine it happening to any other series, (although I never could have predicted something as epic as Star Wars to fall to it, so my opinion may not be of much worth!).
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Postby SparkyIII » Mon Feb 25, '08, 10:48 pm

I doubt lego will ever get big enough for FF or phantasy star. It can only work for children's shows and games. It wouldn't really work for things like rpgs. XD
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Postby DrkTr14ce » Mon Mar 3, '08, 5:23 am

Hmm...I'm going to have to agree with the others. Sorry, Thoul. I just don't see any other big franchises getting turned into blocks right now.

Well, except for maybe a Superman one. Maybe then he'd get a decent game. I may be the youngster around here, but I actually remember Superman 64.
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Postby Thoul » Mon Mar 3, '08, 5:57 am

I'm pretty sure a decent Superman game is considered a sign of the Apocalypse by this point. I've played a lot of them (I missed 64, and glad I did from what I've heard) and I've come to believe that it's almost not possible to make a good one.

Reno wrote:That, I did not know. My first thought upon reading was, "Rubbish" but when I stopped to consider it, I know I would've said the same for Lego Star Wars before it was released, but I've played it now and have to say it turned out all right.

I was surprised when I first heard about it myself. The Batman game I found easy to believe (they've been making Batman lego sets for the past few years just like Star Wars, so...), but Indiana Jones was a bit harder to buy. Then I remembered that George Lucas was involved with Indiana Jones, so it made sense.

The way I see it, if they can land big franchises like that, they can get just about anything. Maybe another gaming franchise is unlikely, but at this point I wouldn't be surprised.
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Postby DrkTr14ce » Mon Mar 3, '08, 6:02 am

It's a bit doubtful, but what are the odds of us seeing a comic-booked themed one down the road?

To clarify what I'm talking about, and I'm doing this because even I found it hard to explain what I meant, think of a LEGO game on the lines of Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. Both share similar traits: Craploads of characters, lots of hidden things, deep histories for those who want to dive that far.

I know it sounds sort of silly, but I think that it wouldn't do too bad. Maybe that's just because I just happen to like Marvel: Ultimate Alliance.
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Postby Thoul » Mon Mar 3, '08, 6:28 am

I think that would be possible, especially if it targeted DC characters. They've already got Batman, so if it gets a good reception among the comic gamer crowd, I'd expect them to want to expand there. It'd probably be a Justice League game.
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Postby DrkTr14ce » Mon Mar 3, '08, 6:57 pm

Wait...old Justice League, or new Justice League? (I'm old and geeky enough to know the difference.)
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Postby Thoul » Mon Mar 3, '08, 7:21 pm

A bit of both, but leaning mostly toward the newer version. It would focus on the most recognizable characters from DC. Once you have at least two from a group of Batman, Superman, a Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and Flash, you can throw in anybody and call it a Justice League. ;)
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Postby Reno » Mon Mar 3, '08, 9:30 pm

If I'm not mistaken, I believe there's a Lego Halo game in the works right now, not entirely sure, I'll have to check my sources....
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