Video Game Championships / Tournaments

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Video Game Championships / Tournaments

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Sep 29, '07, 8:28 pm

I was watching a bit of news this morning, either on CNN or Fox, I can't remember right now and they were talking about video games as professional sports, etc.

They mentioned video gamers playing in various tournaments or championships, some local and some world related. Also, some winners received very valuable prizes including thousands of dollars. Whoa! :hyper: That's cool! 8)

Anyone here know anything about these various tournaments or championships? Has anyone here ever been in one of these type events?

I guess you have to be pretty darn good at playing video games. It all sounds very interesting. Just think - making money from something you love to do - playing video games. I could go for that! :yes:

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Postby The $ Avenger » Sun Sep 30, '07, 12:01 am

I've heard of them before, but never participated in one. It'd be nice to get rewarded for skill in games! :D
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Postby Thoul » Sun Sep 30, '07, 4:29 am

About the same here - I've heard about them, but never been in one. Nintendo used to sponsor a big yearly tournament. I haven't heard anything about that in years, so I don't know if they still hold it. A movie I mentioned in another topic, "The Wizard" is partially set and filmed at one of Nintendo's tournaments in the 80s.
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Postby The $ Avenger » Tue Oct 2, '07, 12:24 am

This goes in conjunction with the arcade topic: how could I forget my prowess at NBA Jam? I used to play it Fridays at Putt-Putt with my brother against a couple of our friends, and we could stay on the machine all day, (winner stayed on for free.) It got so ridiculous that we started financing some of our opponent's matches once they ran out of cash.

We used to joke that we kept Putt-Putt in business since no one was ever there. Perhaps not coincidentally, it went out of business a few months after we quit.

Anyway.... Putt-Putt upgraded their NBA Jam machine so that it was connected to some gaming network, and while you didn't play other people, it had insane goals to accomplish in the game, like dunking 10 times in 2 minutes, which if you accomplished, printed out gift certificates to McDonald's.

My friends and I were having our usual session when they gaming network rep came to upgrade the machine, when he told me "whoever is Alonzo Mourning is the greatest player I've ever seen." :balletdancer: My brother and I won that game 120 something to teens. I've still got a mound of the gift certificates I won from that machine. I wonder if I've still got the talent... it's been years! This makes me miss my 32X.
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