V...the tv series

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V...the tv series

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Oct 24, '09, 10:07 pm

Anyone remember the old 1980's tv mini-series " V " about alien lizards (disguised as humans) coming and taking over the world? Well a new updated version of this tv series begins very soon. Here's a link to a preview of the first 9 minutes of the new show:

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Watch-Minut ... 11206.aspx

What does everyone think? Will it be a hit show or be canceled soon?

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Re: V...the tv series

Postby Thoul » Sun Oct 25, '09, 3:00 am

A couple of months ago, I was going through some old VHS tapes from about ten or twenty years ago. I found the original V and sequel series on them (recorded from a Sci Fi Channel airing). So yeah, some parts of it are fresh in my mind. I might try to watch it again before this new series starts.

I'm not sure how well the V will do in the ratings. I've heard they plan to show four episodes in the fall, then take it off for several months and air the rest of the season later. That will probably hurt the show and cost viewers. It may work out well though, if those first four episodes are a self contained story.

On the other hand, I'm pretty excited to see how the remake is handled. I hope the big twist the lizard thing is changed a little, so that everyone doesn't see it coming. I think that was part of the charm of the original - everyone didn't know about that in advance.
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Re: V...the tv series

Postby PathfinderCS » Sun Oct 25, '09, 5:47 am

I really hope it succeeds as TV these days seem to be lacking good sci-fi, especially ever since the revamped Battlestar Galactica ran it's course. I never saw the original, but I will give this a viewing IF I can remember to watch it. :yes:
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Re: V...the tv series

Postby Wolf Bird » Sun Oct 25, '09, 4:07 pm

Captain Spyro wrote:IF I can remember to watch it. :yes:

[obligatory_pick_on_close_friend]Should I cajole and remind you to watch this despite my disinterest the same way I remind you on a nightly basis to want Keith and Rachel? :wink: [/obligatory_pick_on_close_friend]

So anyway...for myself...no TV service in the apartment. So I think that answers the question on whether I will watch it.
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Re: V...the tv series

Postby Darkil » Mon Oct 26, '09, 3:03 pm

I definitely want to watch this as I loved the original series and I'm looking forward to how they can bring this back and change things up a bit. Of course this comes out the same day Dragon Age : Origins does so we'll see where my attention lies :lol:
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Re: V...the tv series

Postby Tweeg » Thu Oct 29, '09, 4:00 am

I've never seen the riginal, so I'm looking forward to this new version of it. But seriously, only four episodes and then a major months long wait? ouch!
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