TV Shows on DVD

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TV Shows on DVD

Postby Neithird » Thu Oct 25, '07, 4:03 pm

Do you have any DVDs of TV shows that you have purchased? Like season sets or a group of a few episodes on a disc.

I have seasons 3 & 4 of the Adventures of Superman, the original George Reeves TV show and a few cartoon DVDs.
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Postby Thoul » Thu Oct 25, '07, 11:06 pm

I have a few episodes of the Lone Ranger and Red Skeleton's show. I think that's all I have. Those TV sets are usually too expensive for my tastes. I heard one of the Star Trek sets costs over $400! :o :faint:
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Postby Snorb » Sun Nov 18, '07, 5:17 am

Probably thread necromancy at this time, but...

I have a lot of DVDs of Doctor Who. At least twenty or so. Why this many, you may ask? They're all classic episodes from the 1963~1989 run, and each DVD has one complete story (usually comprised of four half-hour episodes). Taking up an entire shelf and a half on my bookshelf are:

First Doctor- An Unearthly Child (first episode ever!), The Daleks, The Edge of Destruction
Second Doctor- The Mind Robber, The Invasion
Third Doctor- The Claws of Axos, The Three Doctors
Fourth Doctor- Robot (his first story), The Ark in Space, The Sontaran Experiment, Genesis of the Daleks, The Robots of Death, Horror of Fang Rock, City of Death, The Keeper of Traken, Logopolis (his last story)
Fifth Doctor- Castrovalva (his first story), Earthshock, Time-Flight, Arc of Infinity, The Five Doctors
Sixth Doctor- The Mark of the Rani, Revelation of the Daleks
Seventh Doctor- Remembrance of the Daleks, Survival (last episode ever! ...for seven years.)

Yeah, I'm a nerd. x_X
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Postby Heikabuchi » Sun Nov 18, '07, 6:13 am

Blue Gender: Every episode
Ahh... I could go on forever about Blue Gender. Blue Gender is quite possibly the greatest Anime ever concived of.
Gundam Wing: Episodes 1 -4
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Postby SparkyIII » Sun Nov 18, '07, 6:34 am

lol we got a few pokemon dvds when it was first out. alot of X-men episodes too
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Postby LordShibas » Sun Nov 18, '07, 1:50 pm

Heikabuchi wrote:Blue Gender: Every episode
Ahh... I could go on forever about Blue Gender. Blue Gender is quite possibly the greatest Anime ever concived of.
Gundam Wing: Episodes 1 -4

Meh, I found Blue Gender to be mediocre at best. Never saw Gundam Wing, or any Gundams. It's just too intimidating to me. Way too many episodes and series to get into.

Anyway, TV shows I have on DVD. First off, I'm not a big fan of TV in general. I have not had cable in 5 years because I just never watched it, but there is some stuff that I get on DVD.

Frasier - All seasons except #10 which comes out in December
South Park - Seasons 1-10
Family Guy - First 3 DVD releases, I forget how the seasons are broken up (still need to get the 4th DVD release)
American Dad - seasons 1 and 2

and, more anime than can fit in my entertainment center.
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Postby Thoul » Mon Nov 19, '07, 1:17 am

Wow, that's a lot of Doctor Who DVD, Snorb. I didn't know there were so many. But hey, if you like it, that's what counts. :)

Never saw Gundam Wing, or any Gundams. It's just too intimidating to me. Way too many episodes and series to get into.

That's one of the reasons I never got into Gundam, back when it was airing. The series were too confusing for me to follow.
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Postby Snorb » Sat Dec 1, '07, 5:54 am

Thoul wrote:Wow, that's a lot of Doctor Who DVD, Snorb. I didn't know there were so many. But hey, if you like it, that's what counts. :)

That's the thing I hate about the old Doctor Who series- the Ninth/Tenth Doctor runs currently on BBCAmerica/SciFi are sold as seasons. The classic series is sold per serial (except for The Daleks and The Edge of Destruction- those are on the same DVD because The Edge of Destruction was only two episodes long, and I guess 2entertain needed to fill up the disc.)

Unfortunately, the DVD for Horror of Fang Rock doesn't even mention the infamous Max Headroom Pirate Incident (, where a Chicago broadcast of Part One of the serial was hijacked by persons unknown in 1987. (To this day, he's never been caught.)

Now if only BBC, Fox, and Universal can come to an understanding and release The Movie on DVD over here. I need to see the Eighth Doctor in action. x_X
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Dec 1, '07, 7:02 am

I have some DVD's of some of the old classic shows such as the westerns, Bonanza, and The Roy Rogers show. I hope to get more DVD's of other shows soon.

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Postby hugues » Sat Dec 1, '07, 10:37 pm

I have all the Futurama and Family Guy sets, Simpsons seasons 1-9 (I thought the show "jumped the shark" in the 10th season), and the Monty Python and Fawlty Towers complete series boxes. Oh, I also have the SMB and Zelda cartoon sets. Guess I don't watch a lot of serious television.

Snorb wrote: I have a lot of DVDs of Doctor Who. At least twenty or so. Why this many, you may ask? They're all classic episodes from the 1963~1989 run, and each DVD has one complete story (usually comprised of four half-hour episodes).

I was basically raised on the Tom Baker and Peter Davison Doctors. The PBS affiliate out by me when I was a kid played an episode a night for 2-3 years. I had no idea at the time I was watching stuff that was ~5 years old. I never got into the Colin Baker era but did watch some of the Sylvester McCoy ones when they made it over here in the early 90s. Never really got a chance to see the first 3 Doctors because they weren't aired by me.

Those DVDs are so expensive though :irked: All I've picked-up is Genesis of the Daleks, the Key to Time set, and Pyramids of Mars (which I just had to buy after watching the more recent Impossible Planet/Satan Pit episode). I'd really like to go get that New Beginnings set, maybe Santa will bring it. I also bought all the new series DVDs, David Tennant just might be my favorite Doctor.
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