Translucent Frog

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Translucent Frog

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Apr 22, '15, 4:14 pm

Interesting story regarding a new type of Frog that has recently been discovered: ... iuAjrTh.97

Awesome pic where you can actually see through the frog!! Wow!

Update 4/22/2015: Had to laugh yesterday when I saw another mention regarding this new little frog. Some say that this frog looks a lot like Kermit The Frog from The Muppets. Take a look below and see what you think: ... cid=AARDHP

I can see it, lol! :yes:
Last edited by Silver_Surfer1 on Wed Apr 22, '15, 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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~ Founded April 01, 1997 ~


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