What is your preferred method of obtaining games?

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What is your preferred method of obtaining games?

Postby S4Blade » Mon Oct 28, '13, 1:39 am

There was an interesting Poll on a blog site that I go to the other day. In the poll, they asked how you prefer to get your games on PC, consoles, and on portable systems. The two options were "digital downloads" or "physical game copies".

Feel free to share your preferences.

PC: for PC, I almost always prefer digital downloads now. I use Steam, and when I do get physical PC games, I will usually convert them to Steam games if I am able to. Same goes for PC MMOs. I would rather download them than install them from a disk. MMOs tend to have smoother installations when you download them directly from the site too. The only PC games I make exceptions for are the WOW expansions, because I have them all and I have a nice little collection of them. However, once I register my expansion game with Blizzard, I will just download the full WOW client from the site anyway.

Consoles: For consoles, I tend to stick with physical copies over download games for full games, but I am no stranger to downloading games from PSN and Xbox Live. I rarely use Games on Demand, or download large console games.

Portables: For portables, I almost always get the physical games if I can. There are several games I have downloaded on my portables (like Corpse Party), but they are usually games that I cannot get as a physical copy, but I really want to play.

I look at it this way. I don't really discriminate my methods of getting games. If I have to download a game, I will do it. If I have to get a physical copy, I will do it. I just want to play good games. I don't really care how I have to go about obtaining them.

However, I think that Steam as really spoiled me when it comes to digital downloads. The deals that you can get on Steam are unmatched, and if console manufacturers started running their digital download stores like Steam (lots of good sales and bundles), they would be much more popular.
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Re: What is your preferred method of obtaining games?

Postby Wolf Bird » Mon Oct 28, '13, 1:51 am

Well, I'm not a PC or portable gamer, so for the most part, it's physical copies for my consoles. I will do some downloads, but generally only if it's download exclusive (like Okami HD was) or if a download is cheaper than a physical copy.

And for retro games, definitely physical copy.
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Re: What is your preferred method of obtaining games?

Postby S4Blade » Mon Oct 28, '13, 11:34 am

I used to only play consoles, but I realized that I was missing out on so many great games, so I picked up PC and portable gaming a long time ago, and I'm really happy I did. I have lots of great gaming memories on my PC and my portables that I would have missed out on.
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Re: What is your preferred method of obtaining games?

Postby Wolf Bird » Mon Oct 28, '13, 1:46 pm

I recognize I'm missing a lot of great games, but for some reason, the PC gaming as an experience just doesn't really appeal to me. I honestly could not tell you why that is. But for this reason, the Steambox really intrigues me. As I understand it, one of the things it could do is help to bridge that gap and get me on board Steam.

For portable, I tried it for a while and found I really don't like looking at such a small screen for something like gaming. I don't do mobile phone games for the same reason.
Next Pokemon game(s): Pearl
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Re: What is your preferred method of obtaining games?

Postby S4Blade » Mon Oct 28, '13, 9:48 pm

I just got my first smart phone last week, and I can't stand gaming on it, or any other smart phones. The virtual (on screen) buttons drive me up the wall. It's almost a shame, because there are some games that I really want to try. Fortunately, there is a solution to my problem: The Ouya. I plan on getting one so I can play some of these mobile phone games with a standard controller. It will also let me play the games on a TV screen, which I would prefer.
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Re: What is your preferred method of obtaining games?

Postby R-90-2 » Mon Oct 28, '13, 11:10 pm

Physical for portables and consoles (as my consoles are old enough that they don't really have big online components).

For PC, it's digital distro all the way, whether from Steam, gog.com, or even directly from the devs. this is in no small part because a fair chunk of the games I've ended up playing don't have big enough backing to even get a shot at a physical release in the first place.
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Re: What is your preferred method of obtaining games?

Postby Atlinsmere » Tue Oct 29, '13, 7:54 am


PC: Digital pretty much all the way. I blame Steam sales, and game bundles sites such as Humble Bundle, Indie Bundle, etc. Thanks to that my Steam has over 200 games, and I've barely even dented the list yet. I do have some physical copies for PC games, but those are mainly just to say "Hey check out what I have." Either that or I got them before I started to get digital downloads. I got some great PC gems on disc though.

Consoles: Pretty much strictly physical. Aside from games I got VIA codes or promotion, or PSX emulated games from PSN. That's just how I am, and when the day comes that they make everything strictly digital, I will be a sad man.

Portable: Physical. Unless it's on a phone. Then it's digital. Not much to say here.
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Re: What is your preferred method of obtaining games?

Postby tilinelson2 » Tue Oct 29, '13, 6:11 pm

Digital because Brazil. Unless it is not available digitally, or it is a system with a stupid account management like 3DS, I tend to buy almost everything digital these days. It is more convenient, and that way I can buy games at reasonable prices since absurd taxes do not apply to software by digital download.
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Re: What is your preferred method of obtaining games?

Postby S4Blade » Wed Oct 30, '13, 11:29 am

Atlinsmere wrote:Hmm...

PC: Digital pretty much all the way. I blame Steam sales, and game bundles sites such as Humble Bundle, Indie Bundle, etc. Thanks to that my Steam has over 200 games, and I've barely even dented the list yet. I do have some physical copies for PC games, but those are mainly just to say "Hey check out what I have." Either that or I got them before I started to get digital downloads. I got some great PC gems on disc though.

I would probably have 200 games on Steam too if I gave in to all of the deals that enticed me, but I do my best to resists Steam sales. Not because I don't want the games, but I just don't have the time to play all of the game I would want. I have about 20-30 Steam games, but unlike most people I have played almost all of them. The only games I need to play still are the Serious Sam HD remakes and Borderlands+DLC.

FYI, there is a Halloween Steam sale going on now that has some really great deals.
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Re: What is your preferred method of obtaining games?

Postby Thoul » Tue Jul 8, '14, 4:11 am

I prefer physical copies all the way, no matter what the game platform. But for PC, I accept digital because of convenience and the fact that the game ends up that way regardless. Steam's ease of use and great offerings really changed my approach to that. I'll never be entirely happy with digital for consoles, though. They have way too many limits on available space.
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