Something that always puzzled me about PSIII.

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Something that always puzzled me about PSIII.

Postby Thoul » Sun Aug 5, '07, 11:13 pm

In the beginning of Phantasy Star III, we're told about how Rhys found Maia washed up on beach near Landen. This always bugged me because Maia is from the Aquatica dome. The passage between Landen and Aquatica was sealed by a gem kept in Landen, so Maia should not have been able to pass through there. So, how did Maia wind up in the sea near Landen in the first place?
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Re: Something that always puzzled me about PSIII.

Postby The $ Avenger » Mon Aug 6, '07, 12:37 am

Thoul wrote:In the beginning of Phantasy Star III, we're told about how Rhys found Maia washed up on beach near Landen. This always bugged me because Maia is from the Aquatica dome. The passage between Landen and Aquatica was sealed by a gem kept in Landen, so Maia should not have been able to pass through there. So, how did Maia wind up in the sea near Landen in the first place?
Excellent question! I read a fan fiction at that suggested she got knocked out, (can't remember how,) and was washed from Cille through some plumbing of some sort :eyebrow: connecting the two domes... :?

I don't think that could've happened without her drowning in the process. I can't come up with anything better though! Let's blame Lyle; he had the Sapphire! :hyper:
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Postby Thoul » Mon Aug 6, '07, 4:22 am

Yeah, but he stole the Sapphire from Landen. ;) Lyle's presense raises the same question: how did he get into Landen dome, when he and the key were on opposite sides of the sealed passage? :bang:

I've heard that plumbing idea before... it's reasonable to think there would be a connecting passage, but that is a long way to travel. Like you said, I can't see how she wouldn't have drowned.
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Postby Tsunami » Mon Aug 6, '07, 5:15 am

It is interesting. I actually have to agree with that theory to some level -- the passageways are blocked, true, but you'd think that the water at least would be connected through various pipes and other things. I don't see any other way for water to exist in Aridia, for example, unless there was some water supply coming from somewhere else, seeing as how it's a desert and all.

There is the point that Maia would've drowned or at least gotten some water into her body, so it makes me wonder if, since Rhys found Maia washed up on the beach, he performed CPR? :o

*cough* Anyway...

What may have happened to Maia, from what I read on some Japanese site, is related to some ship accident, and I assume from a storm. The storm could've been caused by the weather control system's malfunction, (this is why it is broke and needs fixing) which causes Aquatica to freeze over... And, well, this is where the waterways take place! It's hard to say exactly what happened, really, so I'm gussing here. :D

Another theory that seems somewhat popular in fanfiction is that people of LaShute are behind it, which is impossible since all the passages are blocked...unless they used the "plumbing" of the Alisa III, though that would be some crazy swim and a lot of trouble to go through. I don't think they had any gemstones, either, since Orakio and Laya blocked the passages and palaces themselves, so that's ruled out in my book.

You know what puzzles me about PSIII? I have no clue what kind of weather they had, if any. No idea if it rained, snowed, anything. Don't know if there were seasons, nadda. Although, the fact that the climate can change (like what happened to Aquatica) would make me believe that there could possibly be the least.

Thoul wrote:Yeah, but he stole the Sapphire from Landen. :wink: Lyle's presense raises the same question: how did he get into Landen dome, when he and the key were on opposite sides of the sealed passage? :bang:

In the Japanese version, the Twins' Ruby was originally in the possession of the androids of Hazatak. Lyle must've found the passage in the ruins south of Rysel (no special jewel needed here) and found Aridia that way, then stole the Twins' Ruby from the Androids. Using the Twins' Ruby, that's how he got into Landen. (and left after he gives Rhys the Sapphire ;))
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Postby Thoul » Mon Aug 6, '07, 6:47 am

unless they used the "plumbing" of the Alisa III, though that would be some crazy swim and a lot of trouble to go through.

I wonder if Wren, or a similar android, could travel that way with the sub-parts.

I think they have to have some form of weather, even if it's only the occasional light rain for growing crops. Landen's people wouldn't have been able to survive without it. I'd say there are probably seasons, but it's hard to judge since every dome has a constant climate, except that one time.

Okay, so now we have an explanation for Lyle getting in. I wonder if maybe he brought Maia along, on a trip or something, and she fell in the sea after they entered the dome together.
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Postby Tsunami » Mon Aug 6, '07, 7:14 am

Thoul wrote:I wonder if Wren, or a similar android, could travel that way with the sub-parts.

If it worked for the party when traveling to the world under Aridia, then it's very possible.

Thoul wrote:Okay, so now we have an explanation for Lyle getting in. I wonder if maybe he brought Maia along, on a trip or something, and she fell in the sea after they entered the dome together.

But...why would Lyle wait around a few months to find her? Doesn't make sense to me, taking a delicate princess to the vast unknown regions of a new world. :p

At any rate, to me her disappearance is what motivated him to go looking for her in the first place. Understandably, it had to have been some time, since I'm pretty sure Maia was found 4 months before the game takes place.
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Postby Fogeltje » Mon Aug 6, '07, 10:36 am

Couldn't it have been a Laya Temple? I can't recall if there's a temple connecting Landen and Aquatica. But Maia should have been able to use them, being a Layan.
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Postby Thoul » Mon Aug 6, '07, 6:06 pm

There is a temple connecting them. That could work. I'm not sure if having the pendant is required to use them for everyone, or just for Orakio's bloodline (e.g., the heroes and Rulakir).

If it worked for the party when traveling to the world under Aridia, then it's very possible.

It makes me wonder why the guys in Lashute didn't just build an android with subparts, then, instead of waiting 1,000 years to act.

But...why would Lyle wait around a few months to find her?

Yeah, that is a strong point against the idea. Lyle had to spend some time searching anyway if he didn't find her for four months, but he would probably have looked in Aquatica for most of that, I suppose.
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Postby Tsunami » Mon Aug 6, '07, 10:06 pm

I think the temple idea is weird since they say that only Layans can use it, and yet Laya supposedly sealed the palaces up. Though, Ayn, Crys and Sean are part Layan, and yet they are excluded from entry. :p Not going to bother counting Aron or Adan since they start with Laya's pendant.
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Postby The $ Avenger » Tue Aug 7, '07, 1:45 am

I'd favor Maia somehow getting to Landen by accident, because, really, why would she want to go between domes?

I would guess that Lyle got into Landen via the Layan Temple searching for Maia. I think it'd make sense that he wouldn't tell Rhys that he could use the temples, as he doesn't even reveal that he's a Layan until near the end of the generation. Perhaps he kept his lips sealed on that secret. And I don't see why he'd tell Rhys about the temples even after the encounter with Lena. Even though Rhys beats him in battle and he agrees to help them to Cille, he doesn't reveal all his secrets to Rhys, like that he's the dragon that kidnapped Maia, ever, so maybe he kept the Temple secret to himself too.

It's a vexing question as to how Maia gets there. Thoul, perhaps you're right. Maybe she went with Lyle. There's so much we don't ever hear about. PSIII has so many great opportunities to develop these interesting questions. If I knew how to expand the size of a rom to increase the amount of text in the game, I think I'd do it!

As for Lashute, doesn't everyone there treat you decently if you go before you get the Nei Weapons? Were they not evil until the 3rd Generation character releases DF? Why the about-face? I need to replay this game!
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