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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Apr 27, '09, 8:55 pm

Anyone ever had a tick stuck on them and had to have it removed by a family member, friend, doctor, or anyone?

It happened to me yesterday. I feel fine and seem fine for now, though. I kept the tick in a bottle of alcohol just in case I start feeling sick or something later, though.

I guess it's that time of year when you really have to examine yourself when you come back in from outdoor activities, being around animals and everything outside, etc., just to stay safe. :yaknow:

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Re: Ticks

Postby Thoul » Mon Apr 27, '09, 9:21 pm

I vaguely remember having one when I was really young. I forget exactly how it was removed. It was a family member that did it though, I'm pretty sure. It's a really, really foggy memory.
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Re: Ticks

Postby Wolf Bird » Tue Apr 28, '09, 1:08 am

Never been bitten by a tick, but when I was really young, I think I had a leech on me at one point. I enjoy wading in water and I have ever since I was little. I don't remember how we removed it or anything, I was young, but it doesn't stop me from having fun outside.
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Re: Ticks

Postby Lucas » Tue Apr 28, '09, 8:31 am

I had one behind the back of my ear when we went camping for a week :yikes: . But I killed it as soon as I found it luckily it was very small so it hadn't been their long. :wink:

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Re: Ticks

Postby Lemina » Wed Apr 29, '09, 2:30 am

You know my sister (Schalaon this board)? I saw a tick in her hair. It was totally gross. My mom ripped it's body off and then picked out the head with tweezers from Schala's scalp. It was disgusting.


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Re: Ticks

Postby Srijita » Wed Apr 29, '09, 10:29 pm

Keeping the tick in a bottle of alcohol is always a smart move. Do you live in a Lyme disease area? Of course I'm just being over-cautious by repeating this, but anyone bitten by a tick should be on the lookout for a red rash (erythema chronicum migrans) and/or 'flu like symptoms. Lyme disease is eminently treatable if diagnosed early. Sorry to be paranoid about this, but having seen a few cases, it's hard not to be. Stay safe and well.
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