So, if you've been to the forum today, you might have noticed that I am rearranging some stuff. We now have the ability to use sub-forums, or forums within other forums. As the Message Board grows, we'll add more forums to cover whatever tangents the discussions take without making things look too cluttered.
The sub-forums are going to be most useful when it comes to the fan fic area, which I hope to have moved entirely into the Message Board by the end of the week. We've already got a couple of sub-forums, but the fan fics will bring at least three or four more.
I've also made some upgrades to optimize the performance of the site. We have some new icons for stickys, announcements, and the post/reply buttons, too.
If you encounter any problems when using the site over the next few days, please let me know if those problems persist for more than a few minutes. I might be working on something at the time or might be a bug I'm not aware of.