Things in my room I can't find. Driving me crazy.

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Things in my room I can't find. Driving me crazy.

Postby MrKite » Sat Dec 25, '10, 10:31 pm

There's no place else they could be, because they have never left this room since I brought them in here, and one of which is a Compact Flash card that has photos from an old camera I didn't even copy to my hard drive yet, and it's driving me mad and stressing me out. Where could it be? And the last time I used it wasn't too long ago. These are pictures I took. These aren't things that can be replaced easily. And I also can't find some other things in here too, like one of my PSP games and several of my UMD's. God, I can't take this. It's driving me crazy.
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Re: Things in my room I can't find. Driving me crazy.

Postby Xander » Sun Dec 26, '10, 11:13 pm

*Tsk tsk* What's the moral of the story? Always tidy your room. :P

But yeah, we've all been there. I know I have and it sucks. It's always something you really really need to find too. ><
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Re: Things in my room I can't find. Driving me crazy.

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Feb 18, '11, 3:51 pm

Great topic, MrKite! :yes:

I don't know how many times this has happened to me. I think it happens almost every day that I can't find something I'm looking for that should be in plain view but I still can't find it. :lol:

One room especially is very troublesome in that regard.

Sometimes it is totally exasperating!! :yes:

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Re: Things in my room I can't find. Driving me crazy.

Postby Thoul » Sat Feb 19, '11, 11:35 pm

Yeah, I was in that boat about a month ago. There was a certain computer cable that I had stored away about a year before. I knew it would eventually be needed again, so I kept it close at hand. Or at least that was what I thought when I finally did have a use for it again. When I looked the place I expected it to be, it wasn't there. That was quite frustrating, since I had a very limited window of time to find and use the cable. I did in the end, but it was really annoying that I couldn't locate it right off.
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