Theory about Sari

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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Rick » Sun Mar 28, '10, 7:27 pm

Sari looks older because she's a battle hardened veteran.

In most RPGS/Fantasy stories, the warrior queens and princesses and soldiers always look older due to the strain of training and fighting. Some examples could be:

We could say Titania from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Eirika from Fire Emblem Sacred Stones

Lyndis is also an example from Fire Emblem. She is 15 and 16 in Eliwood's part.

Melvina from Growlanser: Heritage of War is another example.

So is Captain Sherris.

Lyndis and Eirika are two of my favorite warrior princesses. Melvina is my 3rd.

I think it's the training and fighting that ages people. You don't have much time to enjoy youth when you train to kill.

Besides, the best example is.. Laya XD She's 1000 years old and doesn't even look it!
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Rune_Walsh » Mon Mar 29, '10, 9:16 pm

PSjunkie wrote:Im plotting out the whole story and make sure it makes sense before I even start my remake.
At the start of Rhys's story Lena is 16, after Rhys chooses Maia, give or take a year Ayn's born, at the start of Ayn's quest he's 15 and Sari is 19-20, so that would make Lena conceive Sari at the age of 12-14, Rhys being Sari's father is too much on the ick factor for me to put that in the story, maybe Lena got into trouble with another boy or perhaps got raped, they could of taken Sari away at birth and was brought up outside Satera (no information on Sari's birth), after Lena came back to Landen dome without Rhys they started grooming and educating her to be a ruler and when she was strong/old enough they told her about Sari as she was strong enough and brought her back into the picture (just a theory), I liked Kaloes idea about Sari being Lena as Lena still loves to the day she meets Ayn and see's Rhys in Ayn (even though I dont see the resemblance) because to me Sari does look early/late twenties.
Ive always wanted something to happen between Lena and Lyle since they could of had a relationship grow from the time he kidnapped her during their adventure.(I had the idea before I read RW's story or Mike's "Adventures of Rhys")

I like your story idea, PSJ. And I understand the Sari/Ayn ick factor; it's pretty gross that Ayn has either his first cousin to choose from, or his maybe half sibling. Double ew, indeed.

What idea did you have before me? The Lena and Lyle ship? (I am definitely a fan of this idea. Seriously, what is so great about Rhys?)
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby PSjunkie » Mon Mar 29, '10, 9:31 pm

RW, I read your story about Lena and Lyle getting married because she was pregnant with Rhys child, I liked it.
What I meant was that, I always wondered how Lena got to Aquatica without the Sapphire, she must of went with Lyle through Laya's temple, he kidnapped her and Lena saw that Layans and Orakians arent any difference, Lena talked about Rhys and such, about herself etc etc, even though Lyle hated Orakians, especially Rhys for trying to marry Maia. I always thought it would be great for the story if there was a little love story going on between Lena and Lyle especially if Rhys chose Maia, then I could expand more on Ayns time line with Sari.

I just think Rhys' story is the best of all generations, I just like the fact that a princess is kidnapped before she gets married and two enemies work together for a common goal, then has to chose to marry, the one he loves who is the enemy or marry the pre-arranged princess to do right by his people.
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Rune_Walsh » Mon Mar 29, '10, 9:31 pm

PSjunkie wrote:RW, I read your story about Lena and Lyle getting married because she was pregnant with Rhys child, I liked it.
What I meant was that, I always wondered how Lena got to Aquatica without the Sapphire, she must of went with Lyle through Laya's temple, he kidnapped her and Lena saw that Layans and Orakians arent any difference, Lena talked about Rhys and such, about herself etc etc, even though Lyle hated Orakians, especially Rhys for trying to marry Maia. I always thought it would be great for the story if there was a little love story going on between Lena and Lyle especially if Rhys chose Maia, then I could expand more on Ayns time line with Sari.

Thanks, PSJ - the story is on hiatus at the moment. Srijita has had to back out on the story due to her demanding career. I've offered Darkil the opportunity to work on it with me since he has expressed interest, but I have yet to hear back from him. So, it seems the story is all mine.

It's complicated, but, thus far, Lena and Lyle are not married. I can't give anything away, though. But, I do promise loads of drama. I don't intend to make it soap-opera-ish, even though Tsunami is right on in her assertion that PSIII is a raging soap opera.

Your story idea sounds pretty promising. I'd love to hear more of your ideas, if you were ever willing to share.
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Tanith » Mon Mar 29, '10, 11:10 pm

Rune_Walsh wrote:What idea did you have before me? The Lena and Lyle ship? (I am definitely a fan of this idea. Seriously, what is so great about Rhys?)

And on the same note, what's so great about Maia? Admittedly, she doesn't do or say much in the game, but it appears her big advantage over Lena is that she's smokin' hot and Lena is cute but not stunning. Kind of an unfair advantage, if you ask me. Lena's going to look rough from all that questing; Maia doesn't appear to leave the comfort of town unless she's being kidnapped.
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Rune_Walsh » Tue Mar 30, '10, 12:06 am

Tanith wrote:And on the same note, what's so great about Maia? Admittedly, she doesn't do or say much in the game, but it appears her big advantage over Lena is that she's smokin' hot and Lena is cute but not stunning. Kind of an unfair advantage, if you ask me. Lena's going to look rough from all that questing; Maia doesn't appear to leave the comfort of town unless she's being kidnapped.

Well said. I've debated before that Rhys is obsessed with Maia based on her hotness alone, which cannot make it love. For all we know, the real Maia hates Orakians, and we don't know if she ever recovers from her amnesia. If she did, what then? Will she not really care for Rhys being what he is, and what she is? As Srijita put it perfectly, "You cannot say 'I love you' without first saying the I." (Or something like that, right, Sri?)

Once the lust wears away, what do they have, then? 'Not much in common, presumably...

Anyway, I adore Lena for her questing, in addition to the fact that she really does love Rhys. Not to mention, she and Rhys get to know each other quite well in their quest. There's more to her beauty than just a pretty face -- even though her petiteness is mega cute -- which puts her beauty above Maia's, IMO. ;)
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby PSjunkie » Tue Mar 30, '10, 12:09 am

When I played PS3 for the 1st time I was never compelled to marry Lena, I never knew about the arranged marriage and there was no dialogue between Rhys and Lena either, with my remake im going to go deep into the arranged marriage, flash backs between Rhys and Lena, they grew up together, they were best mates, they started falling for each other. But along came Maia and ruined everything for Lena, yes it was lust at first sight for Rhys but he feel for Maia not just because of her hotness. At the wedding Lena has to show an appearance being the princess of Satera, she relunctantly goes, but Lena loves Rhys and wants him to be happy so thats why she helps him out of jail and joins him to rescue her.
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Rune_Walsh » Tue Mar 30, '10, 12:22 am

PSjunkie wrote: yes it was lust at first sight for Rhys but he feel for Maia not just because of her hotness.

That's what I'm talking about. Sure, Rhys might think Maia is sweet and all, but he doesn't really know her. If Maia really recovers from her amnesia, she could very well be a different person than Rhys ever imagined. Rhys is very well aware that Maia is clueless as to who she really is and such (until Lyle kidnaps her and takes her back to Cille, which I'm sure she was told repeatedly who she is, what her duty is, that Orakians are icky, etc.), so he's basically a blind fool. Once it dawns on him that Maia is a Layan and we're given the choice to choose between Lena and Maia, this is all the more telling. Is it worth it to Rhys to marry a person who is a hot hot hottie, but they don't really know each other, yet he knows she is a Layan, and if he marries her, he'll have to give up his family, friends, and kingdom? If the question isn't present in Rhys's head, then there wouldn't be an option to choose.

If Maia ever recovers, her feelings could very well change.

"Well, Rhys, our union made Ayn, but I just don't want to go to bed with you anymore because, well... you're an Orakian, and Orakians smell funny."
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Tanith » Tue Mar 30, '10, 12:24 am

Rune_Walsh wrote:Anyway, I adore Lena for her questing, in addition to the fact that she really does love Rhys. Not to mention, she and Rhys get to know each other quite well in their quest. There's more to her beauty than just a pretty face -- even though her petiteness is mega cute -- which puts her beauty above Maia's, IMO. ;)

The petite PS gals RAWK! :wink:

I swear I'm not making this up, but I recently started playing PSIII again and Lena's walking sprite, from behind, has a booty shake. Seriously. She knew she had it goin' on. :wink:

Rune_Walsh wrote:Rhys is very well aware that Maia is clueless as to who she really is and such (until Lyle kidnaps her and takes her back to Cille, which I'm sure she was told repeatedly who she is, what her duty is, that Orakians are icky, etc.), so he's basically a blind fool.

A blind and creepy fool, if he saw Maia's amnesia as carte blanche to manipulate and brainwash her into being whatever kind of woman he wanted her to be. Ew.
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Rune_Walsh » Tue Mar 30, '10, 12:36 am

Tanith wrote:The petite PS gals RAWK! :wink:

I swear I'm not making this up, but I recently started playing PSIII again and Lena's walking sprite, from behind, has a booty shake. Seriously. She knew she had it goin' on. :wink:

:lol: Seriously! She works that dress of hers! Can you imagine her as a little sassy spitfire, too? Srijita wrote the best fanfiction piece that illustrates this very aspect of Lena, it's called "Rhys's Choice" and can be found on

Tanith wrote:A blind and creepy fool, if he saw Maia's amnesia as carte blanche to manipulate and brainwash her into being whatever kind of woman he wanted her to be. Ew.

Oh, my. Mega ew. :hypnotized: :ill: :knockout:

But it would only work until she gained her memory back, then it would be all over for Rhysie. :D
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