Theory about Sari

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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Rune_Walsh » Thu Mar 25, '10, 11:03 pm

Srijita wrote: All astute points, but there are reasons why inbreeding has been discouraged in your culture and mine, and those reasons may pertain to its impact on health. This is an issue that has been highlighted recently in the UK.

They may not have such knowledge, however. Mind you, this is a bit of a medieval culture, and an alien one, at that. I'm considering all possibilities because we really can't deem what's accepted or not within a royal family of an alien culture. Perhaps the royal families are the descendants of espers (Layans, anyway), or maybe even gods. We do know that first cousin marriage is accepted in its worldview, so, while more extreme, perhaps half-sibling marriage wouldn't seem too far fetched to them. It's certainly happened in our world. ;)

Srijita wrote:
That has to be the premise we work on: either Lena did not discover her pregnancy until they had parted company, or she chose not to disclose it to him because she perceived his love for Maia. Otherwise Rhys becomes a less than sympathetic character. :wink:

I agree, and I've sent you several e-mails about this! Touch base what you'd like to see in your next e-mail; we'll figure it out.
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Tanith » Thu Mar 25, '10, 11:15 pm

I would add that Lena and Rhys fooling around on their adventure is seriously irresponsible (which makes your story that much more interesting :wink: ).

For one, how starry-eyed was Lena to think she could win Rhys back if Rhys was adamant about finishing the quest? I'm operating on the assumption that after making it to Shusoran and finding out more about Lyle, that he'd maybe shed some light on Maia's true identity. For the life of me I can't figure out why it would remain a secret once they get to Shusoran, especially after Rhys battles Lyle. If by the time the fight with Lyle is over and he sort of "hands over" Lena, and Rhys still chooses to find Maia, surely Lena would figure out that Rhys wasn't interested in her, except for maybe a quick roll in the hay.

I'm afraid my opinion of Rhys is less-than-sympathetic in this instance no matter what, because he's messing around with one woman while pursuing another. If he had no intention of choosing Lena, then he shouldn't have slept with her. His boorish behavior doesn't make him very likable, and Lena comes off as quite a flake, too. It makes them more human, though.
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Thoul » Thu Mar 25, '10, 11:16 pm

Kaloes wrote:Is it said in game that Sari says she's the daughter of Lena?

Sari introduces herself as "Lena's daughter." Her actual age never comes up.

Kaloes wrote:Why would Sari have a problem with this? If Lena loves Rhys wouldn't she teach her kingdom that if Orakio's bloodline can share that of Laya's then peace can be brought together in the two kingdoms, she would have tought this to her daughter.

I can't say much as to Lena's state of mind on this, but Sari is really ticked off when Ayn shows up. That description you quoted is based mainly on the Japanese game script. In it, Sari calls Ayn a "babbling traitor" and stuff like that. Her anger wasn't shown to such an extreme in the English version, but she is still not very welcoming.

Tanith wrote:*Assuming Lena had to ascend to the throne of Landen at a fairly young age.

Lena never took the throne of Landen. Sari, at least in the Japanese version, says that there was no heir to the throne before Sari herself claimed it. So Lena would have likely been running only one kingdom. Though I suppose she could have been named as a regent for Sari. That would have let Lena rule Landen until Sari came of age while leaving the throne technically heirless.
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Celeith » Thu Mar 25, '10, 11:21 pm

I've never played the Rhys Ayn Sean/Crys route so I wouldn't know much about Sari myself. Although when she introduces herself as Lena's daughter it could be a simple coverup. More like (Oh crap, that guy looks like Rhys.. Think Lena think.. Aha I got it) It could all be a ploy to trick the young prince so he wouldn't tell Rhys about his encounter with his fathers old fiance.
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Tanith » Thu Mar 25, '10, 11:27 pm

Thoul wrote:Lena never took the throne of Landen. Sari, at least in the Japanese version, says that there was no heir to the throne before Sari herself claimed it.

Ohhhh, got it. I think I need to read the Japanese version again.

Kaloes - I think you asked this earlier, but I believe Sari is 20 years old or 20-something, at least, when Ayn arrives in her kingdom. She's older than Ayn and Thea, if I remember correctly.
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Srijita » Thu Mar 25, '10, 11:30 pm

Tanith wrote:I would add that Lena and Rhys fooling around on their adventure is seriously irresponsible (which makes your story that much more interesting :wink: )...

I'm afraid my opinion of Rhys is less-than-sympathetic in this instance no matter what, because he's messing around with one woman while pursuing another. If he had no intention of choosing Lena, then he shouldn't have slept with her. His boorish behavior doesn't make him very likable, and Lena comes off as quite a flake, too. It makes them more human, though.

Interestingly enough, you voice the exact same points that I raised in the correspondence to which R_W alludes. She had an answer for everything, though, and would have posted the rest of the story by now if I hadn't been the rate-limiting step...
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Celeith » Thu Mar 25, '10, 11:31 pm

I see.. Sari's menu sprite makes her appear older then 20, at least to me. She looks like she would be in her early 30's.. At least to me she does. Still who knows right, she could tell young Ayn that shes in her 20's, it could be the truth, or it could still be a lie.. Either way I think I'm gonna stick with my theory for the time being.
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Rune_Walsh » Sun Mar 28, '10, 4:44 am

Tanith wrote:I would add that Lena and Rhys fooling around on their adventure is seriously irresponsible (which makes your story that much more interesting :wink: ).

For one, how starry-eyed was Lena to think she could win Rhys back if Rhys was adamant about finishing the quest? I'm operating on the assumption that after making it to Shusoran and finding out more about Lyle, that he'd maybe shed some light on Maia's true identity. For the life of me I can't figure out why it would remain a secret once they get to Shusoran, especially after Rhys battles Lyle. If by the time the fight with Lyle is over and he sort of "hands over" Lena, and Rhys still chooses to find Maia, surely Lena would figure out that Rhys wasn't interested in her, except for maybe a quick roll in the hay.

I'm afraid my opinion of Rhys is less-than-sympathetic in this instance no matter what, because he's messing around with one woman while pursuing another. If he had no intention of choosing Lena, then he shouldn't have slept with her. His boorish behavior doesn't make him very likable, and Lena comes off as quite a flake, too. It makes them more human, though.

I'm not going to spoil it, but as Sri states, I have it all planned out. I'm illustrating Rhys as a slight lout in this tale, but more so an idiot. :lol: There will be an interesting twist, however. :twisted:

Mind you, in this tale, Lena doesn't try to get Rhys back. She accepts defeat, leaves Cille, finds out she's prego by the doc in Shusoran, and Lyle is there to dry the tears. Rhys does not know she is preg; in fact, he never speaks to Lena again. The rest... well, you'll all have to find out when Sri and I get back to writing it out. ;)
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby PSjunkie » Sun Mar 28, '10, 10:08 am

Im plotting out the whole story and make sure it makes sense before I even start my remake.
At the start of Rhys's story Lena is 16, after Rhys chooses Maia, give or take a year Ayn's born, at the start of Ayn's quest he's 15 and Sari is 19-20, so that would make Lena conceive Sari at the age of 12-14, Rhys being Sari's father is too much on the ick factor for me to put that in the story, maybe Lena got into trouble with another boy or perhaps got raped, they could of taken Sari away at birth and was brought up outside Satera (no information on Sari's birth), after Lena came back to Landen dome without Rhys they started grooming and educating her to be a ruler and when she was strong/old enough they told her about Sari as she was strong enough and brought her back into the picture (just a theory), I liked Kaloes idea about Sari being Lena as Lena still loves to the day she meets Ayn and see's Rhys in Ayn (even though I dont see the resemblance) because to me Sari does look early/late twenties.
Ive always wanted something to happen between Lena and Lyle since they could of had a relationship grow from the time he kidnapped her during their adventure.(I had the idea before I read RW's story or Mike's "Adventures of Rhys")
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Tanith » Sun Mar 28, '10, 7:04 pm

Rune_Walsh wrote:I'm not going to spoil it, but as Sri states, I have it all planned out. I'm illustrating Rhys as a slight lout in this tale, but more so an idiot. :lol: There will be an interesting twist, however. :twisted:

This is me: :hyper:

Can't wait!

PSJunkie- Ayn is only 15 when he starts his quest? I know he's young, but I thought he was an older teen. Boy, I really need to read the script again. Oops, never mind. I just saw that he was 15 at the start of his quest. I don't know why I thought he was older.

Edited: I just found out Ayn is 18 in the Japanese version. Holy inconsistencies, Batman!
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