Theory about Sari

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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Rune_Walsh » Mon Jan 18, '10, 6:03 am

Okay, okay, I should have provided a source initially. Shoulda coulda woulda! I thought this was common knowledge, people! :lol: I searched and found it, but I think I found it somewhere else, too. I'll have to use my librarian powers further. Anyway, here it is in this walkthough, under "character descriptions": ... 6382/33236

Darkil wrote:This is close to how the dark ages were and I think the story writers were trying to add that bit of mysticism to the beautiful tapestry that is Phantasy Star. With that being said, I'm anxious to see this story you're concocting R_W and was curious if you'd might be interested in a joint venture.....

Thanks, Dark. You're a cool one. And what is this about a joint venture? I'm intrigued! :hyper:
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Darkil » Tue Jan 19, '10, 3:00 am

Rune_Walsh wrote:Thanks, Dark. You're a cool one. And what is this about a joint venture? I'm intrigued! :hyper:

Cool one eh? If I didn't know any better I'd say you were being sarcastic :p Well the joint venture I'm proposing is in regards to this fan-fic you mentioned. Not to say I've forgotten about mine but I'm interested in doing a fan-fic with you and this particular one seems to be a good start, assuming you're interested that is. I certainly don't want to intrude.
Shhh my common sense is tingling
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Rune_Walsh » Tue Jan 19, '10, 4:12 am

Darkil wrote:
Rune_Walsh wrote:Thanks, Dark. You're a cool one. And what is this about a joint venture? I'm intrigued! :hyper:

Cool one eh? If I didn't know any better I'd say you were being sarcastic :p Well the joint venture I'm proposing is in regards to this fan-fic you mentioned. Not to say I've forgotten about mine but I'm interested in doing a fan-fic with you and this particular one seems to be a good start, assuming you're interested that is. I certainly don't want to intrude.

I'll PM you. :)
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Tsunami » Fri Jan 22, '10, 6:58 pm

I looked at the link, but it's just a faq written by someone. It's not official, and they presume Lena to be dead (which is likely, considering) and if she has passed on, the reason why was never stated... the game was left open for fan interpretation, I guess. I don't mean to pick at things like this, really...I am just picky when it comes to the game. ^^;; Still, with how open the game is, it really does leave a lot of room for one's imagination to fill in the gaps.
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Rune_Walsh » Fri Jan 22, '10, 10:23 pm

Tsunami wrote:I looked at the link, but it's just a faq written by someone. It's not official, and they presume Lena to be dead (which is likely, considering) and if she has passed on, the reason why was never stated... the game was left open for fan interpretation, I guess. I don't mean to pick at things like this, really...I am just picky when it comes to the game. ^^;; Still, with how open the game is, it really does leave a lot of room for one's imagination to fill in the gaps.

No worries, Tsu! But does anyone know if the compendium mentions anything about this whole situation? (Confirm or deny her dying of heartache?)
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Tsunami » Sat Jan 23, '10, 1:24 pm

Rune_Walsh wrote:No worries, Tsu! But does anyone know if the compendium mentions anything about this whole situation? (Confirm or deny her dying of heartache?)
It's worth a look, but as far as I know PSIII information is limited in the compendium. =\

*runs off and looks*

I have returned. Saw nothing along those lines (or any other mentions of the fate of characters in the long run). Kinda figured, though, as the compendium mostly goes over the other Phantasy Stars. ^^;;
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Thoul » Tue Mar 23, '10, 6:14 am

Hey everyone! Theory about Sari was selected for a Most Successful Discussion: Silver in the 2010 Muskies Awards! :happy_marle:

Everyone that has posted in this topic or the previous game topic contributed to this award, so it really belongs to all of you. As a Most Successful Discussion, the topic gets a rare Silver Muskies topic icon and a nifty award banner. Hopefully this little bump will inspire some more discussion on this subject, too!

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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Rune_Walsh » Wed Mar 24, '10, 4:21 pm

Found this interesting bit on Lena... ... um/06.html

Someone else mentions the possibility of Lena dying "from a broken heart."
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Tanith » Wed Mar 24, '10, 10:58 pm

It's pretty sad to think that Lena would let her health decline over Rhys's rejection. I hope it's not truly the case, although if Rhys is Sari's biological father I guess I can see her having more of an emotional investment in Rhys even after the quest is over.

Then again, I can draw from real life experience here, after my first husband left me when I was pregnant with our son. It was terrible, don't get me wrong, but I don't yearn for him at all. In fact, most people I know in similar circumstances eventually end up angry at the other party involved, not lost in heartache. I guess that's why I hope Lena had the same sort of resilience.
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Re: Theory about Sari

Postby Rune_Walsh » Thu Mar 25, '10, 1:47 am

Tanith wrote:It's pretty sad to think that Lena would let her health decline over Rhys's rejection. I hope it's not truly the case, although if Rhys is Sari's biological father I guess I can see her having more of an emotional investment in Rhys even after the quest is over.

Then again, I can draw from real life experience here, after my first husband left me when I was pregnant with our son. It was terrible, don't get me wrong, but I don't yearn for him at all. In fact, most people I know in similar circumstances eventually end up angry at the other party involved, not lost in heartache. I guess that's why I hope Lena had the same sort of resilience.

What an awful thing to go through... I am sorry that happened to you, Tanith. :(

I think Lena really loved Rhys. But maybe the whole ordeal was just groundbreaking for the whole kingdom; Rhys giving up his family, friends, kingdom, and people for a Layan woman, no doubt, had to be quite the scandal. Lena, as his friend, would be prone to defend him. She is, after all, the woman and friend who risked her own life to help Rhys find Maia. Perhaps the stress of it all was too much to take.

Here's some profile images. Sari does look like a combination of Rhys and Lena. Check out the bangs, the pointy nose, and the larger black eyes. She's even wearing the same scowl and look of determination Rhys has:


Anyone else see the family resemblance?
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