The two Kara's

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Postby Rune_Walsh » Sat Aug 16, '08, 10:03 pm

Hugues, I have read the "Thea Thories before", but it was a long time ago. Now that I just re-read it, I didn't know the author thought that Princess Kara was the daughter of Thea, but now that I think about it - the resemblance is uncanny. They look almost identical!

Thanks for providing that; it's a good read, and really thought-provoking for anyone who wonders what the heck happened to Thea during Nial's quest, and who that mysterious Ryan character is.
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Postby Celeith » Fri Aug 29, '08, 4:59 pm

I kinda feel bad for Thea ya know. If you go the Nial route and if she wasn't saved by Lune which I kinda believe she was but most people believe otherwise but anyways then she ends up dying I believe by execution? Correct me if I'm wrong I haven't played the Ayn route yet but doesn't he save her from some kinda execution or imprisonment? Anyways I feel bad for her because either way she ends up dying, in Ayns route she is pretty much blown up either way it goes or in Nials route if by any chance Lune didn't save her then well... she's boned so either way Thea has the most horrible destiny out of any character in the PSIII character list.
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Postby Snorb » Fri Aug 29, '08, 5:24 pm

You know, they never quite explain what happened to Thea if Ayn marries Sari.
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Postby Tsunami » Thu Oct 30, '08, 9:27 pm

When it comes to the Thea theory, I don't fully agree with it for various reasons (like they say that Ryan was from Endora, correct? But that's an Orakian town). On Japanese sites, both Karas are listed to have the same weight, height, age, and birthdates.

Snorb wrote:You know, they never quite explain what happened to Thea if Ayn marries Sari.
Safe to say that she died when Azura went BOOM! =O
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Re: The two Kara's

Postby Einlanzer » Mon May 4, '09, 4:31 pm

Interesting theories, I don't remember enough about the story as a whole to critique, though.
I always assumed they were the same person and the different appearance/personality was just due to different upbringings. However, the specific differences are better explained by having a different mother. One of the main things I always thought was strange was how Princess Kara's sprite was tall like Sari's while warrior Kara's was shorter like Mieu's.
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Re: The two Kara's

Postby Darkil » Mon May 4, '09, 8:11 pm

With Ayn being my favorite 2nd gen, I remember marrying Sari once [out of the hundreds of times] and I seem to recall that Thea went back to her homeland to help her people rebuild. Obviously if she marries Ayn then they both die when the Sattelite was attacked.
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