The Sound Of Music

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The Sound Of Music

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jan 9, '08, 9:46 pm

Anyone here a fan of the movie "The Sound Of Music" which stars Julie Andrews? The movie is based on a real life story of The Von Trapp family, and how they escaped their homeland during a time of war, I think it is. It is a very special and wonderful movie which won several awards, I think. They usually always show it on television sometime during each year and I always find myself watching it.

There are several very catching and lovely tunes or songs in the movie, especially the title song "The Sound Of Music", which is very famous. There is "Climb Every Mountain", "Edelweiss" (not sure of the spelling), and many others.

I looked up The Von Trapp family online once and found that they came to America and settled here and made quite a life for themselves. Interesting. I always enjoy watching movies about "real" people.
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Postby Thoul » Wed Jan 9, '08, 9:49 pm

I couldn't stand that movie when I was younger. Too much singing in it. I haven't seen it in years. I don't even remember anything except that one scene that's always in commercials.
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Postby SparkyIII » Thu Jan 10, '08, 10:46 pm

I am sixteen going on seventeen....XD it was somewhat entertaining, but too old for my liking.
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