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 Post subject: Do you skip to the end?
PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, '07, 3:02 am 
When you're reading a book, do you skip chapters or skip ahead and read the ending before the rest of the story? This primarily applies to fiction books, but I suppose it could apply to others as well.

I try to avoid doing this when reading for entertainment, but sometimes I can't help myself and will take a quick peek at the ending. ;)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, '07, 4:14 am 
I try to refrain from doing this, although!
I do, and always do, read books out of chronological order on purpose, if it's a three part series, I'll read the end first and work my way back to learn of the origins on how everything happened, I find it much more entertaining this way.
Some may call me an oddball, sure, but I blame George Lucas and his morphing of my mind when it was young, on how a storyline is made. :lol:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, '07, 5:19 am 
I try not to, but some of the books I've read recently have actually had the end at the beginning. You know that little bit they might share with you before you start to read it? That part gave away the ending. I found it completely pointless.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, '07, 5:28 am 
At times I will peek ahead to see what the ending is, and whether or not it is a happy ending or whatever. I try not to do this because I think it spoils the ending somewhat but it is hard to resist not doing so.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, '07, 10:37 pm 
I used to read the very last few lines of the book, since that usually "sums it up". Then I'd continue reading as if I hadn't seen it. :p

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, '07, 2:31 am 
SparkyIII wrote:I try not to, but some of the books I've read recently have actually had the end at the beginning. You know that little bit they might share with you before you start to read it? That part gave away the ending. I found it completely pointless.

I've never actually come across a book like that, but I definitely wouldn't like it. They say the journey can be as much fun as the destination, but they should at least try to preserve the mystery.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, '07, 4:17 am 
I love reading!
Probably that's why this is one of to few things my self control is enough sufficient for.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, '07, 11:36 pm 
I try to stop myself from peeking ahead. Sometimes when I get tempted, I put the book aside for a little while. It is hard to resist, but taking my mind off the story usually helps.

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