The Forgotten

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The Forgotten

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Sep 30, '09, 6:03 pm

I saw a new tv show last night on ABC, I think it was called "The Forgotten". It stars actor Christian Slater. I liked it. The show deals with people that have been murdered/killed, missing, etc., but the police departments were never able to solve the crime or find out who the people were, etc. Then they turn it over to this group of volunteers who work together to try and solve the case. I found last night's episode very interesting.

Has anyone else seen this program yet, and if so, what did you think of it? Also, do you think you would ever "volunteer" to join a group like this?

Any fans of actor Christian Slater here?

Here's a link to learn more about the show:

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Re: The Forgotten

Postby Thoul » Fri Oct 2, '09, 2:39 am

I caught the first few minutes of it one night. I was going to give it a chance when I saw Christian Slater, but turned it off pretty quickly. They started pulling out crime scene photos or something of that nature, showing a dead person in one of the typical disturbing poses.

I had just finished eating, so I wasn't in a mood to watch that. I'm sick of shows using that tactic for the shock factor, or whatever reason, so I lost all my interest.
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