Oh my goodness, Wolf Bird, if you eat any of them you must be sure and let us know how they taste, etc. I have read articles about certain insects being eatable, etc., and if I was stranded somewhere with no other food around completely, I have to admit that I might be forced into giving it a try simply to sustain life, but other than that I will pass on this. I remember when I first began watching the tv program "Survivor" and they had people on there eating bugs, etc. Some of the people were able to eat them and some weren't. These were huge bugs too. Needless to say, that is the LAST time I watched that program ever.
But I also remember as a kid eating a little dirt sometimes and shale rocks, I think you call it and I seemed to survive that fairly well. Why, I don't know, it was a stupid kid thing.
Also regarding the cicadas, sometimes they get very loud when they are in this area. Scared me really good one time when I first heard them.