The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Rylen » Thu May 27, '21, 12:31 pm

This is it! The ends of the season! Lets dive in and unpack it all! Recap Time!

MED: The wild ride and build up comes to a complete head as Dr Choi is fighting for his life! He gets shot early on in the ep and conflict develops between Halstead and Archer over how best to treat him. Halstead gets fired over events of the previous season. While Manning's mom gets a new heart. Maggy faces a personal issue over the daughter she gave up when she was a child. The ending doesn't leave few threads. Given that we know both Sextant and Manning won't be back next season. A soft season ender.

FIRE: Changes could be coming. Boden needs to decide if he will stay with 51 or go higher up the chain of command. Brett and Casey need to decide if they will be together. While nothing too crazy happens in this ep. Some intense feelings get played out with a very dramatic bedroom scene. However what will leave fans up in arms is the fate of squad 3 (Severide's team) as they are trapped under a boat with no air. We have no idea if any of them will make it out alive.

PD: Kim's fate is the focus of the ep. She got grabbed at the end of the previous ep and the wild ride keeps going. Even to the point where she gets shot early on. The ep puts a heavy focus on doing things the "old way vs the new way". Which causes a lot of conflict with in the team. Ruzack and Atwater get into a knock down, drag out fight mid way though the ep. The ending pushes Voight to the limits and him and Upton get caught up into a major problem. That is resolved though fate, bad luck, and classic Voight setting dead body on fire ala darth vader. Kim's fate is still left in the air as the ep ends.

Over all a good set of eps. Next post will be my thoughts on the overall season. -
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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Rylen » Thu May 27, '21, 11:38 pm

As promised a few thoughts on the over all reach of the season. Going to go in reverse order.

PD: The show is on at a time when the police are under a microscope. More so given this show's nature to be dark and gritty. Voight is known to bend the rules. The show for the most part stayed the course. Showing the various internal conflicts between officers and the brass. The end of the season kind of took a more sinister direction. Showing a more classic Voight. For the most part I enjoyed the season. But having Burgess get the snot beat out of her in one of the most violent attacks I've seen really bugged me. Even more so after seeing her get shot early in last night's ep. I hope the show can even things out a bit more. This season left a lot of questions.

Fire: OK. Let me get this out. The last few seasons have always ended with the fire fighters in some kind of danger and someone getting axed at the start. Happened a few seasons ago with Otis that was pretty dramatic. So the question is which of four is leaving the show? The push for more racial inclusion came forward and took care of things in a very positive way. The Kidd/Severide and Brett/Casey connections were always in the front but didn't distract from the over all season. I think of the three shows this one had the more solid focus with a lot of room to grow next year. Can't wait to see what they will so for next season.

Med: This was the season where almost every doc pulled some kind of stunt that could have gotten them fired. The fact that at least two docs did get fired (Sextant's brother, and Manning) was a surprise considering how many of them risked it though out the entire year. The first half of the show was hard to watch because of the covid stuff. They put a really strong focus on it and it was hard to escape from. I found the overall stories pretty good. It will be fun to see if Archer stays on. Over all I don't like the character. But he's by no means the first back stabber in the ER. I think out of the three shows this one had the weakest season so far. But by no means bad one.

That is it for this recap. So looks like Wolf verse will be on three nights next season across two networks. CBS will have FBI, Most Wanted, International. NBC will have One Chicago (Med, Fire PD), and three L&O: SVU, For the Defense, and Organized Crime. Could be a fun time. -
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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Aug 26, '21, 6:40 pm

I noticed when I was checking out the new DVD's that were released this week that Season 9 of "Chicago Fire" and Season 6 of "Chicago Med" are being released this week in case anyone is interested.

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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Sep 8, '21, 1:56 pm

The 8th season of Chicago PD was released on DVD this week on Tuesday (Sept. 07, 2021).

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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Rylen » Sat Sep 11, '21, 1:51 pm

The new seasons are starting soon I think. Which means for me another year of reviews! :D
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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Rylen » Thu Sep 23, '21, 12:39 pm

The new seasons started up and it is time to dive right in!

MED: Two new doctors have entered into the mix. One a former police officer and the other a former friend of Halstead. He returns to the mix with a strong request from Goodwin that looks like it will be the main arc of the first half of the season. Choi is no where to be seen (I don't recall if I saw Tee's name in the credits). Archer is now the head of the ED and comes into conflict with Dr Charles. The cases where pretty low key and the ep mainly tied up lose threads from the end of the season. Not a bad things to start things off.

FIRE: The ep starts off right where things ended. With Squad 3 stuck in a boat that is sinking fast. A few tense moments and an honest thought they killed off Cruz! (they didn't). This set up the rest of the ep as Boden moves on to a new job that may effect 51. The ep was very much a step down from the season ender which isn't a bad thing. However it does set up some impressive directions for the season.

PD: While the other shows tried to step things down. PD went the other direction. Upton and Hank's actions from the previous ep were slowly starting to catch up to them. The chief of the PD wants revenge for her son and Burgess fighting for her life. All the while Upton is trying to make peace with her actions. The show hit the pedal to the floor and does not stop at all. This was typical PD at it's best. Burgess fate is shown at the end of the ep and sets up some fun arc's for the rest of the season.

There you have it. I believe next week's eps are new so keep your eyes out for this thread.
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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Rylen » Thu Sep 30, '21, 12:50 pm

You know what time it is? (quoting Kentucky Ballistics from YT) "It's recap time!"

MED: Med dives in with Goodwin still working with Halstead to try and uncover some kind of kickback plot. Dr Scott and Charles help a woman who is in a very dangerous place. Archer and the new resident (Maggie's daughter) get into a disagreement over an accident victim's treatment. While Halstead and Hammer have a mild disagreement over treatment of a young kid. Looks like things are heating up and Archer is the one who has the blowtorch.

FIRE: Cruz is still dealing with PTSD from his near death experience. While Boden is starting the path to his new promotion, saying good-by to 51. Mouch starts a mini book station with a heated ending. The main story focused on Brett and Herman saving the life of a young boy. With a new villain looking to end both of their jobs over the way it was handled. The storms are coming and they will be rough for Station 51.

PD: What was thought to be a drug deal gone bad turns into a full rape/homicide investigation. Kim is called back into action despite dealing with the issues from the previous eps. As the story unfolds we see more of the toll thinks took on Kim. The bad news for the team is that the attacker is a parole officer who is targeting woman that is under his command. The ending is dramatic and deadly.

So far a decent second set of eps! Can't wait to see how things play out next week.
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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Rylen » Thu Oct 7, '21, 2:04 pm

Last night was the wild ride. Let the Recap begin!

MED: Archer is pushing this effort with "drive-thru" medicine and is slowly becoming the dictator of the ER. Scott helps a boy who got accidentally shot. Crockett and Mag's daughter helps a woman with a growth on her neck. Goodwin's stress is starting to take a toll. Hammer gets assaulted by a wealthy benefactor to the hospital. The parting scene shows Charles and Archer going head to head over the issue of mental health in the ER. Next week looks like it could be a doozy.

FIRE: Brett tries to convince her boss of an idea to help improve times for Paramedics. Casey helps the son of an old fire fighter. Cruz is forced to confront his own demons and fall out from nearly dying. The cases themselves served more of a background to the personal development of the station and for the most part was pretty low key. However each segment moved the story along and will open up some fun directions down the road.

PD: This was a Halsted ep. A crew is hitting armored cars using explosives that one of his former military buddies helped design. As the story unfolds we learn more about Halsted's military past and how it ties into the present. The conclusion takes a rather surprising and out of left field twist. Meanwhile Upton is still dealing with the guilt from her actions in the Season ender. As each ep moves forward you can see things gnawing on her soul. To the point she looks like she is going to break. This as she tries to build a relationship and perhaps marriage with Halsted.

That's all for this recap. Next week should be fun.
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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Rylen » Thu Oct 14, '21, 12:50 pm

The recap:

Med: Halstead keeps pushing the medical device in an effort to find out what is going on. Dr Charles and Dr Scott work to help a man who was given a wrong diagnosis for his mental health. While Hammer figures out a woman's medical mystery that is been going on for over 30 years. I pretty low key episode over all with a great set of stories.

Fire: Casey is out of state helping Griffen from the previous episode. Their is now some honest debate on if he will remain with 51 or move to help them even more. Brett's boss goes for a ride along to learn more about what is going on. Cruz is doing well and has redeemed himself in the eyes of Serveride. Oh and fair warning: one of the fire calls is a bit on the gory side. Next week is the 200th ep and a good chance Casey will be leaving. (I hope I am wrong).

PD: Upton was the focus of this ep as she deals with the fall out from the previous eps. You can pretty much feel the anxiety she has as this ep moves on. The main story sees a killer who is preying on children. A warning: Midway though the ep their is a bit of gore. Rare for this show but things get bloody. The suspect meets his demise at the hands of Upton. Halstead confronts Voight and things get more than a little punchy.

Overall a good set up eps with a lot of room to move. Till next week.
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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Rylen » Thu Oct 21, '21, 2:37 pm

It is time for the recap. Just a reminder spoilers will be present.

MED: The ep focuses on Dr Scott and Dr Charles as they treat a boy with a major head trauma and a brother who caused it. Crockett and Archer cross swords over the treatment of a young woman. Complicated by the fact that the mother of the patient is a surgeon herself. While Halstead and Hammer deal with a woman with a major lung issue. Dr Choi is mentioned for the first time since the season opener but not seen. Very good ep and a great season so far.

FIRE: The 200th ep. Main story focuses on Casey's decision to move to Oregon to help Griffen and his brother. With a lot of emotions played out as everyone starts to realize what is happening. Boden gets some surprising help that allows him to remain at 51. While Cruz's wife delivers their baby. It was grand ep with a bitter sweet good-by as Jesse Spencer (Casey) is leaving the show.

PD: Any time their is an ep focused on Kevin Atwater you know it will be a ride. The core story is about kids who take part in a drive shooting and the quest to bring them down. While also touching on the issues of race and police. The ending is typical PD style and very dramatic. But also highlights the major issues of the day in such away that brings respect to those involved.

Some great eps of TV worth watching. If you can get a chance to check them out. Eps are new next week so will see you then.
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