The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Rylen » Thu Jan 23, '20, 2:06 pm

The Recap:

Med: This entire ep was one wild ride of emotions. While it was a very busy ep in terms of the stories the pay off at the end would leave anyone in tears. The side stories were of Halstead trying to help an addict get a heart valve replacement and learning just how powerful addiction is. Maggy spent the ep trying to find a bone marrow match for one of her friends. Both stories ended with heart break at the end. However in Maggy's case while things didn't turn out as she would have hoped. In the end her actions saved a lot of lives. Choi was dealing with a 12yrd who turns out has been vaping. Kind of a "ripped from the headlines" kind of event. The main story dealt with a school bus crash and two kids in great danger. The outcome was way more positive than expected. However we also go to see a different side to Crockett. One that makes you wonder just how much pain is he hiding from his fellow doctors.

Fire: For the most part this was a bit more relaxed. A series of false alarms at a private school was the main focus on the ep. Trying to figure out who was doing it and why. Cruz had a room mate from hades that he was contending with while Kidd was trying to find a creative way to surprise Severide. The end of the main story was extremely touching and the reasons for the false alarms was heart breaking. I really enjoyed how this ep played out though.

PD: This ep focused on dirty cops and the conclusion to the Darius story arch that has been going on for most of the season. Cops are swiping drugs from the evidence lockers and Darius is one of the main buyers. The DA doesn't want to move and by the time they do all the crooked cops are found dead. This is one of the higher body counts I've seen on this show so far. While Darius was able to escape "legal" justice. Their is still such a thing as "street" justice. Just let the gangs know someone is working for the cops and you come to a violent and bloody end. Which is what happened in Darius case. Who betrayed him is the surprise in this ep.

Powerful and compelling drama and in some cases powerful messages tucked in. Not a bad night to watch TV.
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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Jan 24, '20, 2:05 am

Thanks for the recaps Rylen. The Med, Fire, and PD stories and characters all sound interesting. Sounds like they touch on a variety of different subjects each week.

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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Rylen » Sat Jan 25, '20, 6:03 pm

What I've been liking about the stories is that while they do highlight an issue here and there. They are not overly preachy about it. They also do it in away that allows the characters to grow and develop. I pretty much stopped watching SVU because how they handled hot topics was way more over the top than I like in a show.
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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Rylen » Wed Jan 29, '20, 9:28 pm

FYI: No recap tomorrow as I believe the eps tonight are reruns.
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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jan 30, '20, 12:26 am

Rylen wrote:FYI: No recap tomorrow as I believe the eps tonight are reruns.

Thanks for letting us know Rylen. If I get a chance I may watch them anyway just to catch up a bit.

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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Rylen » Thu Feb 6, '20, 2:07 pm

Time for the recap:

Med: The main focus of this ep is what happens when insurance won't pay for a child who needs major mental health care. As in long term treatments in a care facility. This ep really highlights the dangers and agony parents face. It was good to see Dr Charles stand out in this ep. Manning's case had to deal with an infant and a mother who seems disconnected from reality. The results are a bit surprising but over all a well done segment. As for Halstead? That guy seems to get into more trouble. He's working at a less than legal "safe injection site" and ran into a doctor who ODed the previous ep. Now Halstead has a major pickle to get out of. Their were a lot of other things going on in this ep and it was good to see some humanity in things. This show has always been the middle ground between dark hearted and light hearted natures of things.

Fire: This was another wild ride as an old foe presents a peace offering in terms of helping to prevent cancer. This directly ties in to some stuff from a previous ep. However it quickly turns into a bit of an embezzlement case of sorts. The ending to the segment was a bit humorous but expected. The other main story saw a building romance between Casey and Brett. An elderly man with no one left loses his wife in a house fire. Standing alone at the funeral home was heart breaking. The ending (and the ending of the show) let me in tears. Powerful drama from a show that is always been more light hearted.

PD: This show has always been extremely gritty. Burgess who is on desk duty due to being pregnant takes a call from a woman who is in need of help. This opens up a Pandora's box of a major sex traffic ring and a race to find the missing woman. The climax of the ep was violent, brutal, and a little hard to watch with Burgess in a fight for her life. The ending was more than a little vague about if her unborn child survived. Though given the severity of the beat down Burgess got? It is highly unlikely.
EDIT 2-8: I looked over a recap of the ep. Burgess child did not survive and was mentioned in the ep. Some how I missed it.
Last edited by Rylen on Sat Feb 8, '20, 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Feb 7, '20, 3:05 am

Thanks for the recap Rylen! Sounds interesting as always. I didn't get to watch much tv last night as we were having storms and the tv was acting up because of that. I did get to watch "The Masked Singer" and tried to watch the new "Lego Masters" program but the tv went haywire and I did not get to see that program or much of anything after that.

I do want to try and see these episodes above, especially the "Fire" show as I read today that one of my favorite actors appeared in this episode last night. I think he played the elderly gentleman who lost his wife in the fire. The actor's name is David Selby and he played the role of Quentin Collins in the classic tv show "Dark Shadows". I will try and watch it online or something when I have the time.

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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Rylen » Thu Feb 13, '20, 2:36 pm

Recap is going to be limited given that I've been sick all week:

Med: Main story was about a boy who everyone thought was in a vegetative state. But turns out the issue is more mental health. Halstead keeps digging himself into more trouble with a possible nemesis turning into a mate? Choi and Sextant had to deal with a very strange case while working out their own relationship. The other fun element to the ep was the development of Crockett. More to this guy than expected.

Fire: The main story was about a series of gas leaks. Along with Brett trying to decide if she wants to find out more about her birth mother. Cruz in a constant state of panic over wedding stuff and other things with in the mix. Over all a decent ep.

PD: Focused on the new det. We learn a little bit more about her backstory and troubled childhood. As they try and find the killer of a homeless guy. A few twists and turns but over all a wonderful ep.

Sorry for the shortness of the recaps. BTW looks like repeats next week.
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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Feb 16, '20, 7:33 pm

Thanks for the recaps Rylen! Sounds interesting as always. Hope you are feeling better.

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Re: The Chicago Med/Fire/PD thread

Postby Rylen » Thu Feb 27, '20, 11:29 am

On to the Recap!

Med: This was by far one of the strangest eps around. You had a death row inmate in a botched attempted execution. A man who was having heart issues having to stay moving to keep his heart rate up. A man who was hired to be a girl's father. Along with Halstead getting into more trouble and not fully realizing it. Each story was different that what is normally scene. Strange in many ways. But still over all a good ep.

Fire: Part one of a crossover with PD. Things start off with several fentenal O.D's. At the end of one of the runs Brett runs into a man who is looking for his sister. The guy's name is Roman and he use to be part of PD about four years before. The hunt is on to try and find his sister and the guy who she was with. Also in the mix is Brett's attempt to meet her birth mother. A good way to break up what was already going to be a grim story. The ending of the ep moves directly into PD.

PD: Roman's sister is found. But her fate isn't a good one. Probably one of the more graphic scene's I've seen in a while. (on top of what they did in Med earlier). The hunt is on for the boyfriend. Burgess is part of the focus of the ep as she deals with the fall out from her miscarriage. To the point that she is trying (and failing) to get Adam to hate her as much as she hates herself. Mid way though the ep the one they were looking for was found dead and Burgess suspects that it was Roman who killed him. Voight also suspects this. At the funeral for his sister Roman goes into a long rant on how some sins should not be forgiven and the pain should remain forever. It is clear that their is a lot on his mind and after he prepares for the arrest. The ending is a bit of a twist. Given Voight's nature? The ending is also not a total surprise.

Over all three solid hours of drama. It was a wild ride. Oh a fair warning on the Med ep: Got a little bit gory midway though. You have been warned.

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