The Boondocks

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The Boondocks

Postby Flames of Yagami » Sun Sep 5, '10, 1:45 am

Just curious here, has anyone here ever watched The Boondocks or read the comic strip? Haven't seen anything about it on here (besides a few of my posts) so I thought I'd make a topic on it. I wouldn't be surprised if this didn't get many replies though :D
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Re: The Boondocks

Postby Thoul » Mon Sep 6, '10, 8:11 pm

I saw an episode or two of the show a few years ago. I couldn't really get into it. It just wasn't the kind of thing I enjoyed watching in animation. I've only rarely seen the comic. I didn't even know there was a comic until earlier this year, I think.
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Re: The Boondocks

Postby DrkTr14ce » Thu Oct 7, '10, 11:27 pm

I've watched a few episodes, and it's surprisingly funny. Although at times it's borderline offensive a la Family Guy, but unlike it, they seem to take it much more seriously, and thankfully there's less jokes that involve, say, Adolf on a Unicycle juggling fishes.
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