The anime movie Petition!

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The anime movie Petition!

Postby Lucas » Tue Aug 9, '11, 11:29 am

Hey everyone just a small request for those of us users who enjoy anime. I have a mate on youtube, who has started a petition to get more anime films in the likeness of Summer Wars and the studio Ghibli movies available in cinemas located in towns that don’t get these movies worldwide.

My city also suffers from lack on anime films :bang: . The only anime film I ever recalled seeing in my city ever was the first Pokemon movie back in like 1999 or something crazy like that. Also he asked that we only sign it once, you don't need to leave a comment just a username or something like that is sufficient. I left my youtube username (MeltingIceAU). We hope to get this noticed by cinemas.

Well thanks guys! :) ... epetition/
Last edited by Lucas on Tue Aug 9, '11, 11:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The anime movie Petition!

Postby Thoul » Wed Aug 10, '11, 9:15 pm

I can't remember the last time there was an anime moving shown here, either. We did get most of those Pokemon movies, so it might have been one of those. Anime hasn't taken root in the US theater business very well. But hey, maybe this petition will help some.
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Re: The anime movie Petition!

Postby Celeith » Wed Aug 10, '11, 11:29 pm

The last movie we got here, and it was really odd to considering that anime wasn't in high demand for theaters back then, was the Cowboy Bebop Movie. I remember it being in very few select theaters and our small town got a copy of the movie so I went to see it with my friend.
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Re: The anime movie Petition!

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Aug 11, '11, 10:29 pm

Well, I went over there and filled out the information on the first page to sign the petition, and clicked "sign", but then it took me to another page where they wanted a monetary contribution, which I did not click because I did not want to make a monetary contribution at this time and I did not see any other way to continue on as there was no option for not making a contribution, so I just left the site, as I was unable to continue on, and I'm not sure if my original signing will take effect now, or not, but I tried.

I really think if they are going to hit you up for a monetary contribution that there should be an option to refuse, which there was not in this case, or atleast some other information telling you that a moneytary contribution was going to be asked for so then if you didn't want to contribute, you would know beforehand. If there was anything like that here, I certainly did not see it.

I do think the petition is for a worthy cause with the Anime movies, etc., but my recent experience at this place has left a bitter taste in my mouth. :yuck:

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Re: The anime movie Petition!

Postby Celeith » Thu Aug 11, '11, 11:16 pm

Gotta watch out for somethings like this really, it could always be a scam. Just think if 1 million ppl did just the 5$ donation, thats alot of money in someones pocket.
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Re: The anime movie Petition!

Postby Lucas » Fri Aug 12, '11, 5:01 am

Silver_Surfer1 wrote:Well, I went over there and filled out the information on the first page to sign the petition, and clicked "sign", but then it took me to another page where they wanted a monetary contribution, which I did not click because I did not want to make a monetary contribution at this time and I did not see any other way to continue on as there was no option for not making a contribution, so I just left the site

That's strange SS, I'm truly sorry that happened to you :( . I was unaware this petition site would ask for such a thing. As it never happened to me. I suppose I should let the creator of the petition know about this then.

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Re: The anime movie Petition!

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Aug 12, '11, 8:02 am

I went back over to the petition site and looked at the signatures on the petition and mine was on there, so I'm happy that it went through. Yay!!!

It is probably not uncommon for sites like this to ask for contributions, etc., but it was just surprising to me at the time, etc. Anyway, I hope the petition gets a lot of signatures and that it helps the Anime movies as it is a very worthy cause. :yes:

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