Thanksgiving-what are you thankful for?

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Thanksgiving-what are you thankful for?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Nov 5, '07, 11:05 pm

Yeah, it may be a little corny, but it's that time of year. :wink:

Thanksgiving is a "day to give thanks", so what are you thankful for?

What games are you thankful for (and which ones would you be thankful for if they were never invented :wink: )?

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Postby SparkyIII » Tue Nov 6, '07, 1:06 am

I am thankful for finding this site, and my parents not banning me from the computer or I may never have found it! Cha, but I'd never tell them, I'm only supposed to use it for homework. Thank you again for computer class! lol

I'd be thankful if none of those WT(insert random bad letter here) games like, teletubbies, barney and dora. We get enough on TV, we don't need them wasting money there in our gaming space, XDDD
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Postby Tsunami » Tue Nov 6, '07, 2:36 am

I am thankful for having my family and friends, since they mean so much to me. That, and the good food. I'm always thankful for food on Thanksgiving. :yes:

Oh, the corniness! Pass the corn, PASS IT! :turkey:
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Postby Rudo » Tue Nov 6, '07, 4:39 am

Family, friends, food, fun. Me. :D
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Nov 6, '07, 5:14 pm

I am thankful for family and being able to be together during holidays, etc. Many families are not able to be together for one reason or another.

I am thankful for our home and having a fairly nice place to live. There are many people who are homeless and my prayers are with them.

I am thankful for the food we have to eat. Yes, especially thanksgiving yummy foods. :p

I am thankful we live in a country where even though everything is not perfect, we still have more rights, priviledges, and freedoms than many other places.

I am thankful for this forum and the wonderful friends we meet here, and for fun video games to play, and weird game systems to play them on, :wink:.

I am thankful for my cat animal friends - meow! :cat:

I am thankful for music, sunshine, TV, my computer, and that's all I can think of right now. If I think of anything else, I will post it later. :wink:

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Postby Thoul » Tue Nov 6, '07, 6:45 pm

Among other things, I'm very thankful for such a great group of posters on this message board. :mrgreen:
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Postby Elaina » Sat Nov 10, '07, 12:36 am

I am so thankful for my husband and two boys. Thankful for our jobs, the roof over our heads. Thankful for health, love, and waking up each day. I have so much joy from the things in my life.

Of course, the food is gooooood too!
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Nov 18, '07, 9:44 pm

I'm thankful our weather has been pretty nice lately. We've had a few cold spells but nothing very harsh. It's been real nice the past day or so.

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Nov 20, '08, 9:17 pm

Well, it's another year and almost time for another Thanksgiving in just a few days so I thought we might revive this thread and bring it up to speed.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

I'm thankful for all my blessings and each new day (hopefully a sunshiny one)! :sunny:

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Postby Celeith » Thu Nov 20, '08, 9:24 pm

I'm thankful that I have that someone special in my life to share it with.
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