Thanksgiving Day Foods

Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)

Thanksgiving Day Foods

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Nov 25, '10, 6:20 pm

What are your favorite Thanksgiving Day foods?

Turkey, Dressing, and all the trimmings?

Ham, Green Beans, Yams, etc. ?

Pizza, cold or hot?

Pumpkin Pie, Coconut Cake, Brownies, or Ice Cream?

What foods will you be eating for dinner today?

Google has decorated their search page with Thanksgiving foods & receipes today:

As for me, I prefer Turkey over Ham. Green Beans are okay but I love fried okra! Yams are good but mashed potatoes are just as great! I always love cranberry sauce too. Desert...I'm not picky...but usually always go with cake instead of pie.

This is making me hungry just thinking about it and I haven't even eaten dinner yet. :lol:

How about you....what are you having for dinner today?

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Re: Thanksgiving Day Foods

Postby tilinelson2 » Thu Nov 25, '10, 6:26 pm

Hey, stop making me hungry! :p
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Re: Thanksgiving Day Foods

Postby Thoul » Mon Nov 29, '10, 11:33 pm

Oh, reading topics like this is a bad thing when you've had almost nothing to eat all day. :lol: Now I'm starving.

When it comes to Thanksgiving meals, I prefer something rather simple. Turkey, mashed potatoes, and some dinner rolls. I was never much of one for fancy or embellished meals.
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