Taco Bell Doritos Tacos

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Taco Bell Doritos Tacos

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Feb 23, '12, 1:48 pm

Taco Bell restaurants are changing the way they are making their taco shells...beginning in early March they plan to use taco shells made from Doritos according to the article below:

http://money.msn.com/top-stocks/post.as ... 287784cc30

Do you think this move will help, or hurt, Taco Bell?

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Re: Taco Bell Doritos Tacos

Postby Thoul » Fri Feb 24, '12, 2:35 am

It might be good for people who like Doritos. But if someone doesn't like Doritos, will they still be able to order a taco with the old style of shell? If not, I suspect a lot of people will be passing on Taco Bell.
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