Library closings

Converse about your favorite literature and reading in this study.

What services do you use most at your local library?

Checking Out Books to read for pleasure.
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Using Study tools and reference books, etc.
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Using the Computers for internet access.
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Researching in the Genealogy section.
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Using the copy machine or other equipment.
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Participating in children's book reading events or other activities for young people.
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Browsing / reading Newspapers or magazines.
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Checking out Movie or TV related DVD's.
Checking out Music related CD's, etc.
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Other - explain in post below.
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Library closings

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Aug 6, '10, 5:03 pm

Many libraries may be facing cut backs or even closure due to the current economic woes in this country, which is a real tragedy as libraries offer so many services to the public and much more than just interesting books to read, etc. ... 100806-apx

How often do you use the Library in your home town?

Have you noticed an increase in the number of Library patrons in your area recently? I certainly have in my area.

And, what services do you mainly use your Libary for ....take our poll!

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Re: Library closings

Postby Thoul » Fri Aug 6, '10, 5:19 pm

It's a shame to hear that libraries are closing also. This will really hurt students who rely on libraries for research and younger children that are encouraged to develop reading habits through library programs.

Our local library has become a lot more active over the past few years. Once they installed computers with free internet access, many people without computers at home began dropping in. I see people filling out job applications, doing research, and even playing games on them all the time.

Mostly, I just check out DVDs. They have season sets of a lot of shows that I missed when they were airing on TV for one reason or another. It's a great way to pick up new stories. I've heard that some libraries even have video games available, though the local one here doesn't.
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Re: Library closings

Postby H-Man » Fri Aug 6, '10, 5:33 pm

That's terrible to hear. Libraries have always had an important place in my life, for which I will always be grateful. I used the library near my work here in São Paulo to introduce myself to lots of great literature, including the works of Lem, Le Guinn, and Lovecraft...despite being written in Portuguese. We need libraries, yes we do.
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