Pen Pals

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Pen Pals

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed May 28, '08, 11:52 pm

Do you have a Pen Pal? You know, a friend, relative, or someone that you write letters to (usually in longhand) that may be in another city, state, country, or elsewhere? I was just wondering if during this age of online activity, email, etc., if the concept of " Pen Pals " was outdated or still in fashion today?

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Postby Thoul » Thu May 29, '08, 8:33 pm

I suppose that today it would be more like "e-mail pals." I used to do something like that, but it's been a very long time.
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Postby snowdragon » Fri May 30, '08, 4:35 am

when i was younger i used to write to pen pals but not so much any more. i fear the era of longhand writing may be lost forever to emails. :lol:

seriously though with the era of such sophisticated communications such as being able to connect online to anywhere in the world at any time, day or night, and with cellphones, etc., it is much faster and easier to talk to people everywhere.

still, there is that fascination of getting a letter in the mail and opening that envelope. :)
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