Superbowl - who will win?

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Superbowl - who will win?

The Giants
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The Patriots
I don't watch football
I don't care since my team didn't make it.
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Total votes : 5

Superbowl - who will win?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Jan 21, '08, 3:39 pm

Are you a football fan? Whether you are, or aren't, many people always watch the Superbowl regardless, if for nothing else but to see the terrific and unusual commercials and entertainment they have during half time. This year it will be The Giants against The Patriots. So, who do you think will win the game?

Anyone take part in any Superbowl parties where friends gather round to watch the game, and maybe bet on the winner?
Last edited by Silver_Surfer1 on Wed Jan 23, '08, 11:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby SparkyIII » Mon Jan 21, '08, 8:02 pm

Lol, sports aren't really my thing.
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Re: Superbowl - who will win?

Postby Rudo » Tue Jan 22, '08, 2:46 am

The Patriots - yeah, baby! :clap:
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Postby Yoshi » Tue Jan 22, '08, 5:50 am

I don't keep up with football much. I do like to watch the superbowl commercials. :toad:
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Feb 4, '08, 5:12 pm

Sorry, Rudo, your team lost! :D

Congratulations to The NY Giants, Superbowl champs! :clap:

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Postby Rudo » Mon Feb 4, '08, 10:00 pm

Silver_Surfer1 wrote:Sorry, Rudo, your team lost! :D

Congratulations to The NY Giants, Superbowl champs! :clap:

Well, there's always next year! :P
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Postby Celeith » Tue Feb 5, '08, 12:01 am

Don't really find football all that interesting.. Soccers my sport, you're constantly running until that ball gets into the goal unlike football where after you get hit or drop the ball you take a few mins to break and make a plan then start over.
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Postby SparkyIII » Tue Feb 5, '08, 11:00 pm

I think I got the real picture: The object of football is to break as many things as possible! lol No offense fans.
Everything has a pattern. Something set. Even random things. They aren't random at all, its complex mathematics. The trick is to find the pattern. Then you can exploit it.

People think things have a certain end. Taxes. Work. Due dates don't really exist. Trust me. When you put a band of world scholars in the same room, and set them on talking about anything, the most interesting topics come up. The existence of negative time. The probability of "random occurrence". The government's involvement in the media. And falsified due dates. They aren't real, trust me....
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