Super Bowl 2015

Sports, movies, music, TV, and other forms of fun.

Re: Super Bowl 2015

Postby Wolf Bird » Thu Feb 5, '15, 2:39 pm

So yeah, yesterday, while the T was still largely broken down and hugely delayed, sidewalks were still a mess, traffic was still awful from the snowstorms, Boston still found the resources to hold a nice victory parade for the Pats. Resources that could have, y'know, gone towards fixing the above problems. But no, sports first!

This is why I dislike professional sports. It finds a way to supercede everything else in life for some reason, things that should matter way more, even when the city is struggling to function on a normal level. This is why I'm glad Bill Nye did that video about the deflated balls thing but then turned around to make a point of "why are we devoting so much time and attention to this and ignoring real issues like climate change?" I don't mind if people enjoy professional sports, but I do mind when it seems to be treated as the absolutely most important thing ever, and thus causes other things that are equally or more deserving of attention to go largely ignored.
Last edited by Wolf Bird on Thu Feb 5, '15, 2:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Wolf Bird
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