Sugar Tax

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Sugar Tax

Postby Thoul » Fri Jan 23, '09, 1:07 am

This is a bit political, but pertains to food, so we'll try it here. In New York, there is some legislation going on aimed at creating a "sugar tax." It's an 18 percent tax on drinks with lots of sugar in them. They think this will decrease obesity in the state by making people drink more healthy alternatives. What do you think - is this a good or bad idea? Does it have any chance of actually passing?
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Postby Darkil » Fri Jan 23, '09, 1:19 am

I'm not sure how this'll work. If anything it would put soda companies like Coca Cola and Pepsi Co at a loss in those areas and it would eventually lead to some chaotic eruptions in the long run. Although the idea behind it is sound, I think the implementation needs some work.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Jan 26, '09, 2:59 am

I don't think it will pass, but even if it does, I don't think people will pay much attention to it.

I would think the cola companies and others who have products that would fit into this category would be very unhappy and up in arms over this, let alone the people that eat/drink these types of foods (which probably covers a lot of people).

In the end, people are going to eat or drink what they want, even if they have to pay higher for it in most cases. Sometimes if they can do it cheaper, they will, but almost everyone wants a soft drink from time to time. :bang:

Also, when you think of all the drinks, foods, etc. that have sugar in them that could possibly be put in this same category, it would be astounding. I don't think it would make people very happy to see this happen.

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Postby Wolf Bird » Mon Jan 26, '09, 6:17 am

You know, a tax on sugar and sugar products (like molasses and rum) was one of many taxes that got Americans worked up prior to the American Revolution...
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Re: Sugar Tax

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue May 12, '09, 8:59 pm

Bumping this topic thread up again as it looks like there is still some talk of trying to do something along these lines of a " sugar tax " type thing with soft drinks, etc. Here's a recent story I found:

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