Speed Runs

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Speed Runs

Postby Thoul » Thu Oct 11, '07, 8:48 am

Inspired by another post, I ask: have you ever tried to do a speed run in any game? If so, which game(s) and how well did you do? For those not familiar with the term, a speed run is an attempt to complete a game as quickly as possible.

I've never purposely tried to do a speed run, but I have managed to completely a few games very quickly. I was able to finish NES Contra in just half an hour (and that's on two player, at that). I've done some of the Mario games, mainly Mario 3, easily thanks to warp zones.
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Postby Tsunami » Thu Oct 11, '07, 6:22 pm

I've never attempted a speed run... Though I may attempt one if any good games come to mind. :idea:
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Oct 11, '07, 7:21 pm

I can't remember the games offhand, but I'm sure I have probably tried to do a "speed run" at some time or other, just to see if I could do it, how well I would do, and whether I could accomplish it to the end of the game or not.

I'm not a fan of "warp zones" all that much. To me, if you "warp" then you really haven't completed all of the game, even if you made it to the finish. I won't say I haven't used the warp zones from time to time, because I probably have, especially if it was a very difficult game or stage or even if time was a factor, but I still knew there was some part of the game that was skipped. I'd rather do it all if possible. Even if it takes longer. :bang:

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Postby The $ Avenger » Fri Oct 12, '07, 12:51 am

I too, have only complete some games quickly; I've never put myself up against the clock to do it as fast as possible. The first Resident Evil had a 2-hour speed run built-in that gave you something miniscule for beating it in time. You also couldn't save. My brother got to the last boss, and the game didn't ever drop the rocket launcher down from the helicopter... that sucked. :bang:

There's a Halo 2 speed run that I watched the first mission on. The devotion to a game to pull off such a thing is more time than I'm willing to devote to any game. :down:

I think they can be fun to watch, if they're really short, like the Super Mario one that's about 6 minutes.
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Postby Neithird » Tue Oct 16, '07, 2:50 am

Nah, I've never done a speed run. :yuck: I would much rather take my time and savor the experience of playing each game! :bouncy:
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Postby Tsunami » Tue Oct 16, '07, 3:40 pm

I watched a few speed runs on YouTube the other day for ALttP, Link's Adventure, and some Mario games, and it was pretty amusing. :D Though, I like speed runs better if they do go through the whole game without warping, like what Secret Surfer said.
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Postby Yoshi » Tue Oct 16, '07, 8:47 pm

Never tried it. I don't think I would be fast enough. :D
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Postby Tsunami » Tue Oct 16, '07, 8:49 pm

Yoshi wrote:Never tried it. I don't think I would be fast enough. :D

You never know... There could be a game that you're really good at that you could zip through! :p
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