Storing Your Games

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Storing Your Games

Postby Thoul » Sat Oct 20, '07, 10:08 am

When you are not playing your games, where do you keep them? Do you ever leave a game in a system for extended periods, or put each one in it's own case? Some games, like NES and Game Boy games don't have cases, so what do you do with those?

And aside from the individual games, what do you do with all the games in general? Keep them in boxes, put them on a bookshelf, etc.?

I have some of my older games, mainly Atari, in boxes. I bought a lot of cases for my Nintendo, Super Nintendo, and Game Boy games. Also a few for Genesis games that didn't have a case or box. Most Genesis, PlayStation 1&2, N64, etc, I keep in the cases that came with them.

My PlayStation 2 and GameCube games are on a shelf above my monitor, where I can see them easily. A few are in a cabinet. My Dreamcast and PS1 games are in a CD drawer thing. Everything else is in another cabinet in another room, with most of the older consoles.

PC games I always take out of the box and sleeve, unless the box is like a case. I store them in one of those cloth/plastic CD holders than can hold 24 or 48 CDs.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Oct 20, '07, 6:00 pm

I think most of my games are in game cases or boxes. Atleast the ones I can find. I try to keep them from getting too dusty, etc. if possible. I think I did leave some of them in the system in the early days of game playing but I heard or read that was bad for the game and the system so I stopped doing that.

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Postby Neithird » Sun Oct 21, '07, 9:48 am

Cases if they came with the game, otherwise I keep stuff in boxes or bought cases or sleeves. Most of the stuff is on a shelf with my the few books I own. A couple of consoles are in the cabinet under my TV.
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Postby Rudo » Tue Oct 23, '07, 3:17 am

In the same box, case, or whatever it was they came in.
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