Steven Universe

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Steven Universe

Postby PathfinderCS » Mon May 4, '15, 5:51 am

Well, I know there's plenty of people out there who have been less than pleased with many shows in Cartoon Network recently, but has anyone else here seen this show? I was introduced to it thanks to fellow brony friends who really got into this show. I was skeptical at first, but the show REALLy drew me in as it went on.

So yeah, anyone else a fan?

For those curious here is a nice look at the show; no spoilers:
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Re: Steven Universe

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri May 8, '15, 4:50 pm

No, I have never seen that show as we don't get Cartoon Network that I know of, but it looks like an interesting video though.

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Re: Steven Universe

Postby doncair99 » Mon Jan 16, '17, 3:58 pm

I love Steven Universe. It covers some mature topics like coping with grief and forgiveness.... so it teaches the younger viewers while touching the older viewers.

Also Lapis Lazuli is my spirit animal.
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