Steve Jobs resigns

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Steve Jobs resigns

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Aug 25, '11, 2:22 am

Steve Jobs the CEO of Apple has resigned. He will remain as Chairman of the board. ... ?gt1=43001

I don't know, but this sounds like his health may not be doing too good. He's been sick for quite awhile now as he's been on medical leave according to the article.

Do you think Apple will suffer because of this news or emerge bigger and better than ever?

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Re: Steve Jobs resigns

Postby Thoul » Sun Aug 28, '11, 12:40 am

I imagine that losing Jobs' input will hurt them for a little while. Apple will be able to recover if they get someone competent to fill his place, however. The company has grown to the point that even losing someone as influential as Jobs should not be a fatal set back.
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