Heard on the tv this morning that the cast of the upcoming "Star Wars" movie may be on the Jimmy Kimmel show tonight (Friday). I think the show comes on after the late news at probably around 11:30 in our area, but check your own tv listings to make sure of the time in your area, etc.
Might be interesting. Never can tell what all you may hear or see on these nightly tv shows. I usually don't watch Kimmel, but may give it a look see tonight.
Update: 12/2/17...Forgot about watching this show last night until it was almost over. I turned the tv and caught it as the credits were showing. I did get a glance of a bunch of people sitting there and did see the guy that played the young darth vader type guy in the last movie. Hate I missed it, but it will probably be on again in reruns one night.
Did anyone else see this show last night?