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Re: Star Wars

Postby Thoul » Sat Jan 26, '13, 4:05 am

I'm surprised to hear that Abrams is going to direct. Not long ago, he said he wouldn't do it - that he wanted to see the film as a fan, rather than being involved in creating it. I wonder what changed his mind?

Well, at least we can be confident that there is an experienced sci-fi director handling the new film. Star Trek and Star Wars are vastly different in a lot of ways, but I'm sure Abrams will be able to launch Star Wars into the future.
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Re: Star Wars

Postby Aeroprism » Sat Jan 26, '13, 2:57 pm

There is where opinions greatly differ. (Keyword: opinion)

Though I know a truckload of people who loved it, I consider his version of Star Trek to be a horrible travesty.

When I learned that he was doing Star Wars, I mourned for a few minutes, then moved on.

I'll go see it. I will have very low expectations. That way, the only thing that can happen is me being pleasantly surprised.
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Re: Star Wars

Postby myau56 » Sat Jan 26, '13, 9:58 pm

I was surprised by the Abrams choice but why not ? Let him work and we'll see the result with the movie :)
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Re: Star Wars

Postby Oakley2284 » Mon Jan 28, '13, 1:11 am

As a huge fan of the Star Wars universe, i was really surprise about this decision... I'll wait, but i'm quite sure that he will fully respect the universe that George Lucas as already created... I've read enough star wars book to see that the other Author can respect the work of Lucas by create a story who can fit the original story... Let's wait for the movie!
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Re: Star Wars

Postby myau56 » Mon Jan 28, '13, 10:02 am

I'm quasi certain that all the directors would have been eager to respect at the max level Lucas's universe : I'm sure that a lot of person are here to check if the universe is respected.
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Re: Star Wars

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Feb 7, '13, 2:17 am

More Star Wars news:

First, it seems that Disney may be going to make some "Star Wars" movies about some of the individual characters of the movie saga, and the one highly talked about to be done first is perhaps the character of "Yoda", the Jedi Master: ... 57169.html

Also, some sad "Star Wars" related news with the death of Stuart Freeborn age 98 who was the makeup artist of Yoda:

Condolences to his family. :tombstone: :rose:

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Re: Star Wars

Postby myau56 » Thu Feb 7, '13, 12:30 pm

First, Condolences to his family :(
Second, other movies about different characters ?? Strange dcision but why not ?
About Yoda could be a very interesting one.
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Re: Star Wars

Postby Thoul » Thu Feb 7, '13, 1:56 pm

I wouldn't mind seeing a movie or two about Yoda's adventures prior to the films we have now. He lived for a very long time, so there has to be some good stories to tell in there.

I wonder what other characters might get this treatment? Boba Fett seems pretty popular, so he might be one. They could have some Darth Vader centric films, too.
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Re: Star Wars

Postby R-90-2 » Wed Feb 13, '13, 8:51 pm

Well, Lawrence Kasdan has said that they won't be following the Expanded Universe as far as their post-Jedi movies.
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Re: Star Wars

Postby Tweeg » Wed Feb 13, '13, 9:58 pm

Aeroprism wrote:There is where opinions greatly differ. (Keyword: opinion)

Though I know a truckload of people who loved it, I consider his version of Star Trek to be a horrible travesty.

I totally agree with you on that. Even lost a long time PSO buddy over a disagreence regarding the terribleness of Abrams "Trek".

I don't think Abrams will have any problems directing Star Wars. as action oriented films are clearly more his thing. If he makes a Star Wars film with no plot but it has a lot of over the top violence and stuff exploding it'll probably be well received by Star Wars fans... actually, he could just re-label his previous movie Star Trek Wars: Wrath of the Time Traveling Trolls and most people probably wouldn't even notice since R2-D2 is still in it.
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