Star Trek vs Star Wars ?

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Star Trek vs Star Wars ?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Sep 21, '11, 10:45 pm

Supposedly, according to this online article, fans have been debating "Star Trek" vs "Star Wars" for years. Is that true?

Recently actor William Shatner ("Star Trek"'s Captain Kirk) seems to have voiced some of his opinions regarding this subject: ... d=30601944!/WilliamShatner

So, how about it...."Star Trek" or "Star Wars"?

Which do you think had the best guys?

Which do you think had the best gals?

Which do you think had the best ships?

Which do you think had the best/better stories?

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Re: Star Trek vs Star Wars ?

Postby Thoul » Fri Sep 23, '11, 12:17 am

Sure, it's one of the oldest debates in science fiction fandom. I enjoy both series, but I'd have to give an edge to Star Trek. Star Wars only has six movies - Trek has had a lot more screen time to explore their universe and flesh out their characters. That gives Trek more opportunities to be good and have great stories.

Of course, both have very large expanded universes in books, games, cartoons, and other stuff. I usually stick to just the core material when considering which I like better, though.
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