Stamp Prices rising

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Stamp Prices rising

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Jan 20, '17, 7:26 pm

The United States Postal Office has announced a stamp price increase as of this Sunday, January 22, 2017, I think it is. The price of Forever stamps will rise from the current price of 47 cents to 49 cents once again. ... cid=AARDHP

Will this price increase have any effect on the amount of mail you send, or not?

I noticed this past Christmas that fewer people were mailing out Christmas Cards, but that could be that there are easier ways to reach people these days than simply mail, what with the internet, phones, facebook, etc.

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Re: Stamp Prices rising

Postby myau56 » Sun Jan 22, '17, 12:46 pm

Ah ? In the US too the price of the stamps are rising ? Exactly the same here ! Alas... :( But it's very often...too often ! :fiery:
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