technique troubles

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technique troubles

Postby Arctic-snowfox » Sat Jun 9, '12, 2:13 pm

can some one please explain what order, melee, time, and heal techs do?
and how does the technique distribution work.
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Re: technique troubles

Postby Celeith » Sat Jun 9, '12, 4:33 pm

Ok I'll do my best to explain it

Order Techniques are those that do status buffs such as Fanbi and Shu, and ones that will heal all hp to a party member but will kill the user such as Nasak. And Forsa is the instant death technique of this group which increases in chance the more you increase its level.

Melee is basically your black magic of this genre. Foi attacks a single enemy, Zan attacks a group of enemies in 1 row, Tsu attacks one group of enemies, and Gra attacks all enemies.

Time is like enfeebling magic for this genre. Deban stops a enemy from using physical attacks, Ner increases speed of a single ally and is basically the only status buff of this group, Rimit increases the chance of successful running, and Shiza stops a enemy from using techniques.

Heal is well, your white magic of this genre. Res restores hp to 1 party member, Gires restores hp to all party members, Rever revives one party member (which has a chance of failing) and Anti removes poison from one ally (which has a chance of failing)

And order distribution for the techniques increases the power of the technique as well as the success rate that it will connect. But if you have 21 in Res that means you are using 21 tp for that one technique.

Hope that helps
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Re: technique troubles

Postby myau56 » Sat Jun 9, '12, 9:33 pm

Very good explanation ! I haven't really played PSIII for a very long time and as the magic isn't really helping in the game (except res, gires and rever (maybe anti but as this magic has a very HIGHb "missing" rate...;))) I have totally forgotten about it so...thanks a lot about it Kaloes !:)
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Re: technique troubles

Postby Arctic-snowfox » Sun Jun 10, '12, 5:35 am

is there a attack buff kaloes? thanks for the info though.
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Re: technique troubles

Postby Celeith » Sun Jun 10, '12, 11:43 pm

That would be Fanbi, Shu increases Def
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Re: technique troubles

Postby Arctic-snowfox » Fri Jun 15, '12, 8:53 am

are you sure fanbi increases attack? i got defence was raised? at least thats what i think it said, because message speed was set to 9.
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Re: technique troubles

Postby myau56 » Fri Jun 15, '12, 9:03 am

Logically, Fanbi increase the attack value : go and check here !
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