From the great yet eerily sunny lands of England, I bring to you a long overdue update!
Update: June 19, 2009
Ok, in case no one's paying attention, I've released a few new pieces of artwork to my Deviant Art page.
I hope that they're to your guy's satisfaction. ... -124850378 ... -126264192And while I'm thinking about it..
http://hardcoreeskimokisses.deviantart. ... -120479036It's exactly what you think it is. Someone was nice enough to do a real needlepoint of my drawing of "Link Can't Wait". I've already done "I'd Hit That" as a sort of 'thank you' to her for that, and she's planning on doing my newest one, "Link's So Hungry", as a needlepoint as well.
Keep an eye on her, for some day I may even convince her to do a Phantasy Star needlepoint. And if she does...I'll break out the suit and sunglasses and go play Bodyguard, 'cause I'm sure you guys would go nuts over that. I mean, look at how you all reacted over my work.
Signing out for now.
Aka Kahrne Annabelle Lee
(Edit) Swear word edited out. Sorry for the inconveniance, Thoul. If anything else needs changing, alert me ASAP.