Update (Sort of): September 3, 2008
Yes, yes, I'm aware of the date! I'm aware of the fact that I haven't even been here in months, and I'm now rather aware of the fact that people took notice to my absence. I...feel sort of..uh...what's the word? 'Accepted'? I think that's it.
Anyways....I've uploaded....one drawing? That's it? Huh. Thought there was the...no, March 24, 2008.
http://drktr14ce.deviantart.com/art/The ... k-80906880
This is...uh..well, a 2-D version of the infamous Newgrounds Tank, originally taken from the animation Sprite TV 2. Go watch it, it's funny. So...yeah, it took a bit of work to do, despite being one colour.
http://drktr14ce.deviantart.com/art/Lin ... t-92916866
Full title: Link can't wait to bomb Dodongos
Made as a birthday gift for a friend of mine, most of you probably wouldn't fully understand the joke behind it. So...you might want to read what I put in the description box. It might help.
Drawings I'm working on:
Mario and Luigi from Kart Fighter, a pirated NES fighting game
A currently unrevealed DA avatar for an artist, whose work I enjoy
Yup, that's about it. I'm still taking requests, ideas, and all that fun stuff.