Spring !

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Spring !

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Mar 20, '10, 1:03 am

The first day of Spring officially arrives tomorrow (Saturday) here in the US.

Happy Spring everyone! :violet:

It's been a long cold winter, and I'm really looking forward to Spring and warmer temperatures. How about everyone else???

What is everyone going to do to celebrate Spring? Go on vacation??? Do something else or go somewhere else for Spring Break? Plant some flowers? Play a video game??? Or just take it easy and enjoy the day?

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Re: Spring !

Postby Rune_Walsh » Sat Mar 20, '10, 3:21 am

I agree, SS! I am so glad spring is here - and spring break! :happy_marle:

'Looking forward to gardening, hiking, and soaking up the sun, overall.
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Re: Spring !

Postby Srijita » Sat Mar 20, '10, 3:17 pm

Spring is my favourite season, hands down. Just seeing the first crocuses has an amazing pick-me-up effect after the long, bleak winter. Now the daffodils are also trumpeting their presence. I can't wait for the forsythia to bloom.
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Re: Spring !

Postby Wolf Bird » Sat Mar 20, '10, 3:39 pm

The arrival of spring has certainly had an overall positive affect on my mood. Came exactly as I needed it while I continue to work myself out after resignation from school fallout. Loving the nice weather, opportunities for birdwatching and biking and such. Only thing I'm NOT loving is the allergies, but I can deal with them.
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Re: Spring !

Postby Lyla2284 » Sat Mar 20, '10, 5:04 pm

It's supposed to be autumn/fall here right now, but we're still enjoying some lovely summer weather here on the other side of the Atlantic. Cape Town has a very temperate climate, but there are rarely extremes in weather conditions. Our summers can be up to six months long, starting from November.

Not that I'm complaining.
Enjoy your springtime weather, Yanks and Brits! :D
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Re: Spring !

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Mar 23, '11, 2:44 am

Spring has sprung here in the USA! :)

Happy Spring everyone! :flower:

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Spring !

Postby Thoul » Wed Mar 23, '11, 7:06 am

I'm so glad to be out of the cold winter weather finally. It's been exceptionally warm for the past few days so I'm expecting some stormy skies soon, but it is easier to tolerate than the cold.
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Re: Spring !

Postby Atlinsmere » Wed Mar 23, '11, 9:22 am

On my first day of spring... it snowed... I'm getting sick of the snow... wouldn't surprise me if it snowed in the next few days either...

Why oh why won't the snow melt and the flowers bloom?
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Re: Spring !

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Mar 20, '12, 7:35 am

Celebrating the official first day of Spring 2012 here in the USA!

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46786974/ns ... 2eWSBFKRLc

:clap: :up: :happy_marle: :bouncy:

Winter, be gone, and good riddance!!! :down:

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Spring !

Postby myau56 » Tue Mar 20, '12, 9:27 am

Lol you dislike winter so much, Silver_Surfer1 ? ;) Yes here it's indeed spring's first day with a superb sun in the sky and very warm ! Happy Spring !!
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