Spiders in Australia

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Spiders in Australia

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Mar 13, '12, 2:23 am

Whoa, look at this article which talks about the many, many spiders that are covering some parts of Australia after a flood:

http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/th ... 58059.html

Those pictures look eerie, but the article says the spiders are actually helping by eating mosquitoes and other insects, so that's a high point!!

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Re: Spiders in Australia

Postby Thoul » Tue Mar 13, '12, 9:38 am

Uhhh... I think I'd be waiting quite while to go home, if I lived in that area. That's an awful lot of spiders. It's good that they are keeping the mosquito population under control... but what's keeping the spider population under control? Because I think that's not working!
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Re: Spiders in Australia

Postby myau56 » Tue Mar 13, '12, 12:10 pm

Lucas ? Have you seen it ? Hope you aren't afraid of spiders...:( And there is a friend of mine who is actually in Australia ! Hope she isn't in this part of the country...^^
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Re: Spiders in Australia

Postby Lucas » Wed Mar 14, '12, 4:18 am

I haven’t seen it, as this is in the state of New South Wales and I live in Queensland. But when we had our flood season last year a similar event occurred involving snakes, also in New South Wales mind you.

I can assure you the spiders will be kept under control by the snakes and cane toads however, not sure that’s a good thing though :lol:

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Re: Spiders in Australia

Postby myau56 » Wed Mar 14, '12, 9:15 pm

Luckily you don't live in the same place !
Ok so If I go to Australia one day, reminds me not to go to New South Wales !lol For me snakes are better than spiders but...
No, not sure that's really a good thing ! :)
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Re: Spiders in Australia

Postby Lucas » Thu Mar 15, '12, 4:40 am

In all honesty though it’s not going to matter what state you are in, or what part of the world for that matter, spiders and snakes are found everywhere lol. It’s quite rare to encounter so many, if any of them in the cities anyway. ;)

The only reason they came out to begin with was because they were flooded out of their bushland homes. See what crazy weather does :lol:

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Re: Spiders in Australia

Postby myau56 » Thu Mar 15, '12, 8:45 am

Hopefully it's rare to find so many spiders in one place !!!But you're right : everywhere in the world (but not too many where I live !^^)
Yep the weather is often crazy and "made" crazy things...;)
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