Spiderman dies

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Spiderman dies

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jun 22, '11, 4:12 am

The famous hero, Spiderman, is set to die in an upcoming comic book:


This stinks!!! :cry:

But, does anyone ever really die in comics??? I wonder how long it will be before they bring him back to live somehow!!!!

How many other comic book hero favorites have died, and then possibly come back to life somehow or other????

Will this comic issue of Spiderman's dieing become a collector's item, and will it increase sales of the comic book??

Comments or Opinions?

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Re: Spiderman dies

Postby Celeith » Wed Jun 22, '11, 5:34 am

Well from what I can tell is that this Spiderman is one from one of the Alternate Marvel universes rather then the mainstream SpiderMan so those who read The Amazing Spiderman which from what I can tell is the mainstream SpiderMan will be safe. I think it will be a great read don't get me wrong, when they killed off Superman, Batman, Robin, and many other comic book characters from the DC universe they were very good reads.
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Re: Spiderman dies

Postby Thoul » Wed Jun 22, '11, 8:19 pm

Yeah, this is an alternate version of Spider-Man introduced around 10 years ago, where he's still a teenager in high school. He's part of Marvel's "Ultimate" line of comics, which is completely separate from the main Spider-Man books.

This version of the character will probably stay dead, at least for a good long while; the Ultimate line usually sticks to their guns on that stuff. A few years ago, they had a big crossover that killed a lot of characters, including Wolverine. So far, none of them have come back yet.
Last edited by Thoul on Wed Jun 22, '11, 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Spiderman dies

Postby Flames of Yagami » Thu Apr 4, '13, 6:23 am

I'm pretty late on this, but Spider-Man was "killed off" in the main continuity. Well, not actually "killed off", but [spoiler]Doc Ock swapped bodies with Peter Parker[/spoiler].

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/2 ... 65496.html
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